Arma 3 Epoch Thread

hi guys,

Where can i download the mod? got bored of dayz, hate Altis on breaking point, is epoch on Altis too?
You can play it on Cherno as well now, head over to MGT or CCG to find out how to install it they should both have full instructions. CCG is a bit easier as it has its own launcher.
Was anyone else complaining about it? Could be an antihack update causing it.

Edit: Found it, fixed at next restart, it was an overly aggressive gear menu check in our infiSTAR dev build.

Ah cool, it was so frustrating. I couldn't sell, my mate couldn't...a random we direct chatted with couldn't. Got to the point we just had to log.

Also found a barn with the 2 doors on either side, someone had cinder blocked the one entrance and had metal doors on the other side, how would I get into that? Had a chainsaw but no wood accessible to destroy :(
Hopped on MGT Altis server, was pretty fun, however do things like heli crashes, bandit camps, caches etc spawn on there? Played a couple of hours and saw nothing.

Another server I played on had these and it made for some great fire fights.
Destroy the building with enough firepower? :D

Can't ever get enough ;)

MGT is getting to the point on cherno that there are a lot of bases already built, folks have ready access to guns, vehicles and krypto that's been stashed, they're kitted as soon as they log in/respawn.

I'm mainly a lone wolf player and epoch isn't friendly to us, near impossible to solo build a base.

Also seems to be some well organised groups and they'll dominate it, will still have my fun though.
I lone wolf and you can still smash teams to bits if you play right, I tend to stash lockboxes all over the map. Then again I was playing DayZ mod since day 1.
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My trade button is not working, cant seem to sell anything ?

Put the items to sell in trade, hit the button and just get a clicking sound :(
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You do realise that Nova Zone will never be realised in any decent time frame, the assets for the map aren't even done yet. You are probably looking at 12-18 months at least before it is anywhere near finished...
The point is, there isn't a map yet. There is a project to make the assets for the map, then there is the actual map making part, which can take months if not years to finish especially at the rate meshcarver is going.

By that time, ARMA 4 will probably be out ;)
The point is, there isn't a map yet. There is a project to make the assets for the map, then there is the actual map making part, which can take months if not years to finish especially at the rate meshcarver is going.

By that time, ARMA 4 will probably be out ;)

Yeh I noticed his last update was a while ago :(

Shame really, it looks like it could be a epic map to play on, guess we're stuck with old maps and Altis which gets boring now.

Finally got a friend to buy the game so will be playing some Epoch and BP straight away!
By that time, ARMA 4 will probably be out ;)

I think A4 will be out before SA ever gets released as well.

All maps are ruined anyway with the 3rd person rubbish people switch on server side so you never get the real feel of how the maps are meant to be played, imo anyway.
As much as I love Chernarus the loot spawns suck a bit :( Was playing on Mantaray's server for 30mins and only found some pants :o

Is someone modding the map to like Altis where you can enter pretty much every building? Would love a proper A3 Chernarus

EDIT: Nova Zona looks like a promising map too
EDIT2: Another link to offical BI forums:

yea loot is pritty bad , but if u go to main areas there is loads .... the AI missions have loads of loot but ul needs a gun first lol ,, there is an increased loot script ,, but the loot seems to be in the air, when there is a way or better script i will add more, its best to wait till bugs are fixed :P recently added a Debug status bar,
but me my self, i personal cant wait for Tavi map, i will host that aswell,
Couple of questions on the CCg servers

How does it work with keeping Vehicles, just killed 2 guys with a car and a shed load of gear. If I lock the card does that mean no one else can drive/use it apart from me?

Also when I log out and log back into the server it gives me a random spawn location, I've not died as I still have all my gear?
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We now have an Arma 3 Epoch Namalsk server

How to join

Download Arma 3 Launcher, make sure you have AiA pack (same as Chernarus) and Epoch 0252, then scroll to bottom of mods and install Namalsk 075, then filter MGT in the filters and join the Namalsk server, ip

Ground loot spawns enabled as well as Epoch loot system
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