***ArmA 3 Thread***

Pathetic really.

Do you think I care what a forum thinks of my system or how it runs? I have better things to do with my life than try and impress total strangers :/

But hey, if it'll put your little butthurt minds at ease, tell me how I can prove the game's performance on my system and I'll oblige...
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Pathetic really.

Do you think I care what a forum thinks of my system or how it runs? I have better things to do with my life than try and impress total strangers :/

So instead of answering my question you go off on one and start calling people pathetic, if you don't want people to care about what you post then don't post BS simple as :)
It is pathetic. Calling me a liar just because my system is running ArmA III better than yours? Come on...

And I'm running it at 1920*1080.

Anything else? I'm offering to PROVE how the game runs, and yet nobody answers.
It is pathetic. Calling me a liar just because my system is running ArmA III better than yours? Come on...

And I'm running it at 1920*1080.

Anything else? I'm offering to PROVE how the game runs, and yet nobody answers.

Record your framerate over the course of an hour on an Altis multiplayer server.
Pathetic really.

Do you think I care what a forum thinks of my system or how it runs? I have better things to do with my life than try and impress total strangers :/

But hey, if it'll put your little butthurt minds at ease, tell me how I can prove the game's performance on my system and I'll oblige...
well clearly you do!
Well unlike for you, evidently, my life is not a forum.

Now shut up and and go post your specs somewhere, see if anyone is impressed.

To anyone else, my original question remains :)
Uhhh, I have no doubt in my mind he can run it maxed out; except view distance because I don't see maxing that as part of the equation. Issue is, at times you can have it maxed out or all low and your fps will stay virtually the same. I've got an i7 920@4ghz and GPU isn't going to help much here(but it's a 680) and even I can run it with all the bells and whistles, just not always but when it's at that point turning things down from ultra to low gains no increase.

There's a huge difference in performance based on if you're running all the computations or if the server is, amount of ai/objects, players, what island/map and location you're at and a whole host of other things.

Those saying it's impossible and are hounding him over it, grow up.
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You're telling us to grow up? He's the one throwing insults and asking for a way to prove it then when you give him a way he changes the subject. There's no way in hell he's running it maxed out on a 560 at the fps he originally quoted, simple as that.

Just to settle this once and for all here's a benchmark which was done on singleplayer as well I believe:

Both of you please just drop it.

Maybe he's only getting 20-30fps which is fine for him but wouldn't be fine for someone else. It really doesn't matter, Arma is a game for mature players not spec slingers.
Both of you please just drop it.

Maybe he's only getting 20-30fps which is fine for him but wouldn't be fine for someone else. It really doesn't matter, Arma is a game for mature players not spec slingers.

He's the one who slung his specs out and said it could run 55-60fps, there's a difference between saying it runs fine for you and quoting unrealistic fps figures.
Best way to.do it, is to download and run the arma 3 benchmark mission from.the forums.

I have a 2600k at 4.4 with a 7950, 8 gig if ram etc.

Having a3 at ultra with post processing turned off I get 49 fps with view distance maxxed and object at 3400.

If I lower it to 4000 view and 2000 object I get 80fps.
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