***ArmA 3 Thread***

Made what up??

I said it ran beautifully. Did I specify FPS? No, so just bloody drop it, all of you!

Like Darg said, ArmA is for mature players, not spec kiddies.
Some of your responses were real mature, I don't care what anyone says 20-30fps isn't running beautiful in anyone's eyes, you could just about play with that in singleplayer maybe but in multiplayer you won't stand a chance.
Its a tactical game, its doable. To person requesting proper server, try filtering for unitedoperations and tactical gamer but I think they do most games on A2 still (why cant we have favourites I dont know)

Those servers you do have to perform a role, if your fps sucks it might be logistics or mortar crew. still playable, its a very open game. On A2 I had a few games on a 6800nu circa 2005 :o
Most of the tactical clans will properly take up arma3 full time once ACE swings around. And while they all dabble in a bit of A3 its a bit of a downgrade from A2 with all the mods (for now)

Once we get some of the ACE type stuff there should be a load more variation in ArmA3 game styles going on.
Hopefully after ACE is done we'll get MSO for ArmA III, then I'll get my buddy to run an MSO server. We've got one of the co-op missions (vs AI) on Altis on there now which isn't too bad even though the AI can be a bit too good if they spot you. I might ask him to put Wasteland on there for a while though for a change.

My current rig is:

I7 920
6GB RAM 1866mhz
Rampage extreme 2

Now ofc I’m going to upgrade my GFX, I really want to play Arma to a decent setting. I haven’t OC’d the chip yet, but I know the mobo is capable of allowing me to push the i7 quite high.

So my question is, if say I get a 7970 what type of settings can I hope for playing Arma 3?
With the patch at the weekend the game seems to be running a lot better, although sporadic crashes seem more common. I'd expect you'd be able to run it with fairly high settings with that setup anyway Goon.

Mine handled the game and was playable with pretty much everything ramped up but I've dropped a lot of settings back to standard as I'm doing a lot more air-orientated tasks requiring higher view distances!
[TFU] Thegoon84;25047898 said:

My current rig is:

I7 920
6GB RAM 1866mhz
Rampage extreme 2

Now ofc I’m going to upgrade my GFX, I really want to play Arma to a decent setting. I haven’t OC’d the chip yet, but I know the mobo is capable of allowing me to push the i7 quite high.

So my question is, if say I get a 7970 what type of settings can I hope for playing Arma 3?

my mate has a 940 cpu and his fps is a good 20fps lower than mine with the same gfx card. like in heli showcase at start he gets about 30 - 35 and i get 60 same settings etc and drivers. his cpu is at 3.8ghz and my 3570k is at 4.5ghz. but even when my cpu was at 4ghz it was still a large lead. so anyhow just saying a cpu upgrade not so much a gpu upgrade might help more just for arma 3.
Thats good to know, i really didn't want to be updating my CPU/mobo. I'l just have a good clean out and put some new TIM down on the vatantage cooler and ramp up the clock.

Must say i played it last night for 10mins and the FPS is much much much better!! New GFX card and i hope be on High - ultra?
As i said new gfx card wont help much cos of ur cpu, as i said my mates 940 oc to 3.8ghz isnt that great for arma 3 compared to a cpu like mine or better. I.e his 940 at 3.8ghz on heli showcase is 30fps if that at high/ultra with a 670 card compared to my 3570k at 4.5ghz same gfx card same high/ultra settings and i get 60fps on that showcase. So better cpu would be much better than a gfx card upgrade for u for arma 3 imo. This is btw at 1080p
As i said new gfx card wont help much cos of ur cpu, as i said my mates 940 oc to 3.8ghz isnt that great for arma 3 compared to a cpu like mine or better. I.e his 940 at 3.8ghz on heli showcase is 30fps if that at high/ultra with a 670 card compared to my 3570k at 4.5ghz same gfx card same high/ultra settings and i get 60fps on that showcase. So better cpu would be much better than a gfx card upgrade for u for arma 3 imo. This is btw at 1080p

Disagree, I have pretty much the same rig with a 7950 , 920 at 4ghz.
I can run it on ultra around the 30 - 60 mark (depending on circumstances) just fine, no noticable massive lag or anything and I came from a 5850 also - which did make the game run substantially worse.

Just get a new gpu would be my advice , especially given the cost of upgrading to a new cpu which would mean a new mobo aswell.
I get massive lag on Arma3 in Ultra :( I have to turn everything down to LOW to play it properly :/

Object drawdistance is most likely your problem.

Lower this to under 2000.

View distance can remain higher.

Generally people use a mod to change it on the fly depending on situation IE:

2000-3000 on foot (or less some times)

3000-5000 while flying transport helos.

5000+ in Attack helo gunner seats, or Fixed wing jets.

Or tank gunner seats.
Made what up??

I said it ran beautifully. Did I specify FPS? No, so just bloody drop it, all of you!

Like Darg said, ArmA is for mature players, not spec kiddies.

Well cya in COD then :D

Why would I lie?
How can I prove it?

Oh and don't worry about these non believers, I too have awesome FPS on my P4, 512mb RAM and GS8400 silent, they just haters. 60fps solid everywhere, altis, space, beyond the final frontier and in my back garden sipping on tea.
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[TFU] Thegoon84;25058373 said:
Sorry for the phone record GFX, any advice on what GFX settings i should put it on... Really happy with the FPS

That's looking really good mate, is your 5850 1gb? Maybe knock down the textures to high if you are getting stuttering. You could try knocking up view distance a little until it gets clunky then back it off a little? eg 4000 view distance 2000 object, should still be smooth hopefully.
Do they plan on releasing a demo for this? Mainly to see how it runs. I've been bitten too many times to buy a game full price these days knowing you can't get refunds.
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