[TFU] Thegoon84;25047898 said:Question…
My current rig is:
I7 920
6GB RAM 1866mhz
Rampage extreme 2
Now ofc I’m going to upgrade my GFX, I really want to play Arma to a decent setting. I haven’t OC’d the chip yet, but I know the mobo is capable of allowing me to push the i7 quite high.
So my question is, if say I get a 7970 what type of settings can I hope for playing Arma 3?
As i said new gfx card wont help much cos of ur cpu, as i said my mates 940 oc to 3.8ghz isnt that great for arma 3 compared to a cpu like mine or better. I.e his 940 at 3.8ghz on heli showcase is 30fps if that at high/ultra with a 670 card compared to my 3570k at 4.5ghz same gfx card same high/ultra settings and i get 60fps on that showcase. So better cpu would be much better than a gfx card upgrade for u for arma 3 imo. This is btw at 1080p
Can people be blocked? I'd like to take part in any mature discussions on ArmA III, but this troll keeps popping up
I get massive lag on Arma3 in UltraI have to turn everything down to LOW to play it properly :/
Made what up??
I said it ran beautifully. Did I specify FPS? No, so just bloody drop it, all of you!
Like Darg said, ArmA is for mature players, not spec kiddies.
Why would I lie?
How can I prove it?
[TFU] Thegoon84;25058373 said:Sorry for the phone record GFX, any advice on what GFX settings i should put it on... Really happy with the FPS