***ArmA 3 Thread***

Im sure they'll do something.
I used to play on a server where someone had made his own mission for AI that chased people and melee attacked, basically zombie mod. He was just one guy, Im sure they can do that or better on A3

The steam system is pretty cool for spreading peoples maps and missions and it updates fixes automatically I think

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I bought Arma 3 knowing there were no working Zombie mods on it, I thought there might be some by now. Simple question really no need to be a ****.
Depends on how much it costs I guess, if someone makes a comparable map / mod for Arma 3 then I can see it taking off quite well still.
Does anyone here play realistic co-op?

All these "life" scenarios, zombie mods, wasteland, My Little Pony kid's stuff is what made me stop playing ArmA years ago.

I bought ArmA 3 a few days ago and I was greeted by the familiar and depressing site of server after server hosting said COD/MW/CS kiddy scenarios :(
Yeah im a bit disappointing that the servers are filling up with wasteland and whatnot servers instead of normal arma type servers. Best if u find a few u like and remember their names i guess since you cant bookmark em yet.

Btw todays big patch seems nice for performance, more smooth than higher fps i think.
i5 2550K CPU
Gigabyte Z68AP-D3 motherboard
GTX 560Ti 448 graphics
8GB Geil Black Dragon DDR3 RAM
60GB OCZ Agility 3 SSD
64Bit Windows 7 Home Premium
i5 2550K CPU
Gigabyte Z68AP-D3 motherboard
GTX 560Ti 448 graphics
8GB Geil Black Dragon DDR3 RAM
60GB OCZ Agility 3 SSD
64Bit Windows 7 Home Premium

Everything maxxed? what's your fps?

I'm sorry but i have difficulty believing you can max it on your system..

I have friend that has the same setup and can't run it maxxed out.
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I'm running a 3770k oc'd to 4.5, a heavily OC'd 570 and 16gb of RAM and can't run it maxed out

Indeed, i can't see his rig running it.

Little tip if i may though Buckster, disable SSAO, there's a huge performance hit with it enabled, for no gain in graphics.

I've done a fair bit of testing and i can't see a difference that warrants a 20fps drop when using it.
Yeah turn ssao off theres no need really. Also u can have draw distance max as long as ur object distance is around 2000 still. Tho doesnt matter in mp cos they usually set them 1600.
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