***ArmA 3 Thread***

Don't think he's released it. Only decent ones I've used are the FA-18 Super Hornet and the AC-130X.

It also happens on std Wasteland maps - I think. Will check

Sounds like a mission problem to me. Check on TS with people who are playing it, I bet they will be getting the stutter at the exact same time.
51meg update on dev build and I made a test mission with heavy rain and all units killing each other :D http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186578736

If you have frequently used devbranch and you experience lag when opening interface menus (such as pressing Esc to open the pause menu taking several full seconds, and the game otherwise running fine) - this may be due to your profile data storage being huge (hundreds of megabytes). That, in turn, may have been caused by redundant diagnostics data having been stored while using devbranch. The current solution is to create a new profile, but obviously be careful about losing your settings and progress (i.e. confirm you actually experience the issue described before doing this)!


Practising domination on TF1778 server
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Thanks guys - turns out that ESET NOD32 was causing the problems on ARMA3. Not sure why. Currently investigating. I loaded ARMA3 with ESET running = stutter. While still in game and on a svr, uninstalled ESET and the problem went away instantly. Weird or what!!! Now I can play any server - including KOH - with no problems

I just need a new AV... ;)
Thanks guys - turns out that ESET NOD32 was causing the problems on ARMA3. Not sure why. Currently investigating. I loaded ARMA3 with ESET running = stutter. While still in game and on a svr, uninstalled ESET and the problem went away instantly. Weird or what!!! Now I can play any server - including KOH - with no problems

I just need a new AV... ;)

Nice info. I am also running NOD32 and it is one thing i didn't try yet. Was kinda at the same frustration level you were at with the game. If stopping my AV sorts it as well i will virtually kiss you (No gay)

Been considering changing to MSE for a while now anyway because i use it on systems i repair for other people and so far its been fantastic.
Nice info. I am also running NOD32 and it is one thing i didn't try yet. Was kinda at the same frustration level you were at with the game. If stopping my AV sorts it as well i will virtually kiss you (No gay)

Been considering changing to MSE for a while now anyway because i use it on systems i repair for other people and so far its been fantastic.

After some more digging you can either

1. Disable ESET and also

2. Disable HIPS (look inside ESET and go to "Setup") - click into it and disable memory scanning

Play around and see what works for you

Glad it may have helped someone else
You have to do loads of different tasks, for example deliver supplies, clear minefields, hold out at camps and destroy enemy fortifications etc..

Great working as a team..
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