***ArmA 3 Thread***

After some more digging you can either

1. Disable ESET and also

2. Disable HIPS (look inside ESET and go to "Setup") - click into it and disable memory scanning

Play around and see what works for you

Glad it may have helped someone else

I just went with MSE as my subscription was up with ESET at the end of the month anyway. MSE seems to be fine for now. But thanks again for your input ;)
Logistics is part of an advancing front line. Infinite instant ammo is the baseline to most stupidity in 'war' games, Project reality mod on the old battlefield engine took the same line. It does sound boring but then you get teams setting up ambush tactics to disrupt supply and lines of support between unit types.
This is where guerilla forces can engage a modern superpower, ie. very much more realistic to modern warfare then the game which calls itsself modern warfare but is nothing close :p
Who needs VAS when I am a pants commando, all I need is a grenadier belt for some ammo a weapon and my spec ops panties. Plus I know badboy loves being chased by men in nothing but undies, we've seen the pictures
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What time tonight is best for everyone?

I guess Marker/Richie will be the transport pilots? Doubt we will use the AH's due to them being slightly OP for this mission. Maybe only call them in if things go south on a certain tasks.

I feeling no ACRE tonight unless everyone wants to? It is slightly complex if you've not used it before and might take a while to set up.
Agreed with the ACRE Melbo, maybe do it for the next time, will give everyone a chance to get it working properly..

I'll go pilot if you want, no problem there at all :).

Best time for me is around 8pm. Guessing it will be a couple of hours mission time at least..
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