***ArmA 3 Thread***

Anyone use a 360 controller for helis and such like?

Stick user here. Get yourself a logitech sxtreme 3d pro. Even after logitechs price hike last year they're still good value. Better still find a cheap 2nd hand one somewhere as that models been in production for a bazillion years now.
Quote from Arma 3 ACE developer:

We are focusing on contemporary technology for conventional forces. Think 1980s through 2000s.
We'll let BIS handle the future stuff, we are trying to take Arma back to its roots.

Oh baby.
I don't think we will see it anytime soon. Saying that, I really don't mind the current weapons and units in the game currently. Most of the stuff is in or will be in service soon anyway. I for one was getting pretty sick of all the M4 and AK mods, I quite like the new stuff!
ACRE for A3 is currently pretty much a straight port from A2 so it's not quite up there. Some of the stuff they are going to do is going to be amazing if you want ultra realism!

I think they both will provide decent and different setups.

From one of the Devs from ACRE2 who also works on TFR:
Well I believe that TFR and ACRE are geared at different audiences. ACRE aims to simulate radios, including radio planning, which isn't something TFR is trying to do.If a milsim community is looking for realism they will choose ACRE2, if they are looking for something easy and gamey then they will probably choose TFR.
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