***ArmA 3 Thread***

Final campaign episode 'Win', new jets, opfor trucks and altis map updates releasing on march 20th, releasing on dev branch possibly this week.

Link 1 Link 2

Some teaser shots:



Not sure I like what they've done to the A10 model visually, but it looks like is still has its ma-hoosive cannon and extra hardpoints so I'm happy :)

Edit: dam you melbo.
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Hah sorry!

Thought I best catch up on the campaign. I wasn't too keen on episode 1 but 2 is pretty good (for an Arma campaign!). If you know what you're doing with the AI you can get through it all without losing a man. I'm hoping episode 3 put's us behind the wheel or sticks of some vehicles though.

I quite like the look of the A-164. That nose looks pretty darn sexy.
Inspired by similar work done in DayZ, our programmers have worked on weather and time synchronization in multiplayer (their state being distributed automatically across clients).


I hope weather is regionalised?
I'm liking the new hotel complex. Can't wait to be fighting for it on CTI.

We should get a squad together on it and smash the place up. Had a brilliant game tonight, the battle was still raging when I left about 20mins ago. An organised squad could easily change the tide of the battle. I was piloting the Blackfoot with a decent gunner, had 1 guy on UAV detail, 1 on IDF and the rest were ground pounding and lasing tagets/capping points. Absolute brutal at some parts!

Just have to decide which sound mod I like the best out of JSRS and SoS!

What's this, DG interested in Arma 3?!
We should get a squad together on it and smash the place up. Had a brilliant game tonight, the battle was still raging when I left about 20mins ago. An organised squad could easily change the tide of the battle. I was piloting the Blackfoot with a decent gunner, had 1 guy on UAV detail, 1 on IDF and the rest were ground pounding and lasing tagets/capping points. Absolute brutal at some parts!

You need to hit me and cakes up this weekend as I'm home tonight. Get your bottom on ts or ocuk gets to see the portfolio.
Latest patch notes for March 20th I guess


EXE rev. 116103
Size: ~1.5 GB


Crash related to the Wipeout cannon SFX


Added: Campaign episode “Win”
Consider carefully whether you’d like to test this version here now - or would rather wait for the release on March 20.
Also please be careful with spoilers for others - thanks!
Added “Win” music tracks
3 event tracks (with variants)
4 background tracks
6 lead tracks
Added: To-199 Neophron CSAT CAS jet
Added: A-164 Wipeout NATO CAS jet
Added: Tempest CSAT heavy truck with variants
Added: Campaign completion Steam Achievements
Added: Altis Points Of Interest: Ghost Hotel compound and Stadium
Updated: Altis - Several new structures were added (kiosks, lifeguard towers, playground accessories, tourist shelters and more)
Added: Various “Win”-related characters, items and objects (careful with spoilers )
Trees use a new shader version to improve alpha sorting
Buzzard has new sounds for gear and flaps
Buzzard has improved materials in cockpit
Fixed: initPlayerLocal.sqf and initPlayerServer.sqf sometimes received incorrect params upon JIP
Stitches on coverall made plastic
Fixed: Wrongful hiding of subtitles in SP


Fixed: Missing Zeus controls strings
Added: Zeus camera shake when ordnance hits the ground
Fixed: Setting weather and fog was broken after engine synchronization was implemented.
Fixed: Pressing "Release UAV controls" while in remotely controlled unit didn't restore Zeus interface (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17754). Working on removing the action completely.
Updated: Cursors and their colors are now more unique
Added: Tooltip explaining fog altitude


Fixed: Invisible items in UI tree after sorting
Fixed: After a helicopter would fly away, players could still put things into its inventory
Fixed: TakeWeapon puts weapon in weaponholder before taking it (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17760)
Fixed: Multiple force weather change messages because of resending request by clients
Fixed: Missing absolute value on time calculation synchronization
Added: New scripting command attachedTo for getting list of objects attached to given one
Fixed: More correct behavior of scenario names in map, diary and interrupt display
My thoughts on the campaign (don't read if you haven't played):

As much as I hate to say it Win was a big letdown for me, especially seeing as I enjoyed Survive and Adapt a lot. To start on a positive, the individual missions are overall quite well done and I'm prepared to overlook the fact there are only 4-5 missions of proper arma length compared to the 7 and 11 of the last two episodes. Having the full scale war with Tanks/APCs blasting away at anything that moves and jets screaming overhead really does restore the 'small cog in a big machine' feel for me that arma is supposedly about. That was something that the majority of Survive/Adapt, as good as they were, felt a little lacking on for me.

My main gripe is that the plot leaves more questions than it gives answers. It really seemed like BIS were making an effort on this front in Survive/Adapt, but Win just feels rushed and unfinished in this aspect for me. I am barely any wiser as to what Miller and his team are doing there (yes, I've played both endings) which makes the cliffhanger at the end of Adapt completely pointless. Also theres barely anything on this CSAT device apart from the fact that its implied to be related to the earthquakes.

My other main gripe is that I was rather hoping we could get our hands on some heavier machinery, especially given the combined arms nature of Win, but the most we ever get access to throughout the entire campaign is a hunter HMG with only 10 rounds remaining (unless you count attempting to disable and steal a tank in one of the Adapt missions).

I guess the best I can hope for is that BIS continue the story somewhat in the inevitable standalone expansion (They hinted at a new map being in the works a few months ago).
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