***ArmA 3 Thread***


Key arrived and downloading, just under 50 minutes to go...

Now if I can just get out of work early...

Turn off post processing mate..

Tried, I set game to very high, because auto sets it to a mix of very high and ultra.
I switch off AA auto sets this to 8x LOL and also switch of post processing.
I'm getting like 10 fps on every server I go onto. Yet if I play missions with a couple of mates I get 40+ fps. Hopefully they fix this rapid because I can't take it any longer :D

Maybe this is just server lag? I will give the single missions ago and see if I get better performance.
I'm getting like 10 fps on every server I go onto. Yet if I play missions with a couple of mates I get 40+ fps. Hopefully they fix this rapid because I can't take it any longer :D

Yeah getting the same at the moment, in CO-OP with 6-7 others and loads of enemies and it's so smooth. I go into an online game and feels like im playing with 10fps.

I don't mind though, it's either driver issues, bugs or what have you and they will be fixed.
weapon attachments

I'm getting very bad FPS on large multiplayer servers, all other circumstances I get good FPS
I can hear other people shooting 200m away louder than I can hear myself shooting
Recoil is ridiculous, I can only shoot one single bullet in semi auto and my muzzle rizes about 10 feet about the target at 100m
Inventory is confusing
Everything seems much larger, like more zoomed in? Hopefully changing FOV will help this
Stratis is pretty boring, Utes is more exciting
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