***ArmA 3 Thread***

Also the 680 and 7970 are now very old for Graphic cards.

Hardly, the only things better cost £800 +. They are still the the best cards for the money, are you saying that people should have to be rocking 690's and Titans in order to max a game like ArmA 3?

I sure hope not, that kind of attitude is what keeps developers lazy, 7970/680/7950/670 should be able to run anything out at the moment beyond Ultra and for years to come. Hardware is miles and miles ahead of software at the moment.
Interestingly, I am getting 30-40 FPS on the OCUK wasteland server.

Cards running at about 50-60% and 1 core of the CPU running at about 65% the rest 20% lol..
Ran through my mission earlier. 5 man coop, works pretty well. Quite chuffed with it! Few small things to add and it's good to go.
ARMA 3 - spoiler due to size







Right I just had my first little go on the Wasteland server and I have a few questions. I chose green, do I shoot everyone and what if I chose blue or the other one. Also Is there a comms channel to use?
blue and red are teams. Green is **** everyone up you see.

if you press / and press down (or left and right on arrowkeys cant remember) u can scroll trough different channels to type. capslock is VOIP.

Had a couple hours on wasteland on with a bunch on TS. Proper game and wasteland MGT server stayed up :D
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yeah ingame screenshots vs ingame footage does seem abit misleading to me, well its not far off, but not entirely accurate either....
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