Armorsuit up

22 Mar 2006
Armorsuit up - Lian li P80N watercooled build

About time I joined in with all the watercooling and thought I would share my build with you guys.

Latest (minus sound card)

Before Pics.

Just wasnt enough room to cable manage well was alright until i threw in a fan controller and another gfx card.

The plan is to use a single loop for cpu and eventually graphics upon next gens arrival, so for now a single 280 (140.2) rad will do and ill add in a 120.3 when the time comes.

Motherboard: Asus P7P55D-E Deluxe
CPU: Intel Core i5 760
Memory: Corsair Dominator 4GB
GFX: x2 GTX 460 1GB
Case: Lian Li PC-P80N

MagiCool SLIM DUAL 280 MC Radiator DUAL 140MM
OcUK D5 Vario Pump & EK D5 X-Top V2 Value Combo
EK Supreme HF CPU Waterblock - Nickel Plexi
EK Multioption Reservoir X2 250 Advanced
Mayhems Ultra Pure H20 Watercooling Fluid
Mayhems Biocide
EK PSC Compression Fitting 7/16 [16/11mm] - G1/4 - Nickel
XSPC 7/16" ID [16/11mm] High Flex Hose - Clear

Well I have the case and have ordered everything and the watercooling kit should be with me friday along with BF3 so not sure how much ill get done.

This case is huge and has plenty of potential not sure if i should thank OCUK for making me spend £500 over the last 2 days but I suppose I should.

Ill take as many pics as i can during setup

Cpu loop plan.

Ive gone for the slim Rad on the top due to restricted space up there and as i wont be able to fit it against the case ill be running it in a pull setup so the 2 140mm fans will be pulling the hot air out of the top through the "mowhawk".

Progress 1.1.12

As of 27.4.12
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No excuses for poor cable management with the new build.

Nice to see another chap from Naaaaarwich on the forums.
Just got dispatch note from OCUK I should never have distrusted them.
My Radiator has also been dispatched.

So now the fun can begin.
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Just a couple of picks of case nothing special just got it out for a look i love it so much, so glad i didnt get the 800d.

Hope the picture quality is ok the flash doesn't seem to have ruined it much.




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Not happy one bit the retailer that I ordered my Radiator from have sent me the wrong damn item so instead of a slim 280 rad they have given me a nice big one yes its been discounted to the price I paid for the other one but it wont fit well thats my weekend ruined.
Not happy one bit the retailer that I ordered my Radiator from have sent me the wrong damn item so instead of a slim 280 rad they have given me a nice big one yes its been discounted to the price I paid for the other one but it wont fit well thats my weekend ruined.

You bought it from OCUK didn't you? :3 -subs
I bought my radiator from another supplier as ocuk dont do 280mm radiators i was supposed to get a slim Magicool 280 rad but instead got a Phobya G-Changer V1.2 280mm Dual Radiator : G-Changer 280 V1.2 which is a massive and wont fit even slightly unless i run with no fans.

I did buy everything else from OCUK which ill check in a bit as im at work atm.

Now i can either go with Plan B which if happens ill put up and order parts with either Sat delivery or get monday/tuesday off work.

Im not happy looks like its not going to be clear sailing afterall. Also i might just keep this rad and sell on MM as its a £58 rad and I can probably break even that way instead of RMA and having to cover costs myself.
Just checked my OCUK order and im missing 1 length of tubing.

Not a good start for me.

Turns out I have a 2m length TY 5UB for clearing that up
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Is it a correct order or not? :p Count yourself lucky mines gunna take till about 4-5 so I'm raging cause I got up early cause I didn't know when it would come xD

So I take back my comment Project Go Go Go if theres no go go go :D
How do them PCI Slots work?
OCUK order was correct but as I ordered 2 x 1m lengths I thought it would come like that so i assumed it would be 2 pieces so automatically thought its wrong so i asked. But I was informed that I have a 2m length and all is good.

I'm kind of lucky as all orders turn up to my work before 9am so when I walk in there it is on my desk (ty receptionist), but if I deliver to my home it really is anytime between 8:00-18:00.

Just think though i have to sit here all day looking at the parts.
WOOP the other supplier is sorting me out they are sending out my correct radiator for tommorrow delivery and picking up the wrong item so project should be a go go.
No excuses for poor cable management with the new build.

Nice to see another chap from Naaaaarwich on the forums.
This pretty much sums it up for me :)

Good luck with the build :)


Not quite sure what your getting at with the sum up of thaaarr.

Rocky start but should be fun and when I get a bit more money ill order some sleeving not sure on colours yet.
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