Armorsuit up

Hey bud could you take measurements and a photo of the the rear lip of the side panal as I will have a look at mine and see if you will be able to fit the older p80 b side window on your case as I'm sure there are windwos still available to buy now.
Hey bud could you take measurements and a photo of the the rear lip of the side panal as I will have a look at mine and see if you will be able to fit the older p80 b side window on your case as I'm sure there are windwos still available to buy now.


Panel size = 56cm across and 55cm high

the panel is symmetrical with approx measurements to middle.
(1.5cm - 3.3cm small slot) (3.5cm - 4cm hole) (15cm - 16.5cm gap) (19.2cm - 20.5cm small slot) (21.8cm - 22.3cm hole) (23cm - 32cm handle) and so on, hope that is what you wanted.

Tbh I'm probably going to get it laser cut with a custom design on it when I finalised any ideas, but if you know where I can get one that fits that will work too thanks.

Edit: Just took a quick look at the side panel for these cases (PC-A70 / PC-A70F / PC-A71 / PC-A71F / PC-P80 / PC-A77) it doesnt look like enough holes line up nvm ill go with the custom panel.
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Finally fitted and leak tested for an hour or two. (Just a quick not on the torx screwdriver that you get with the block it is not good, had to get into town very quickly and grab a new one from Halfords with 1 min to spare before closing. BTW its a TX6 size or 1/4")

I have added a few things and tidied up the cables on the back I also added a drain pipe as I had a few bits spare.

8GB Ram (wanted another 4GB or 8GB of Dominator but its a lot more expensive)
Aquaero 5 LT.
AquagraFX 680.
2 Inline Temp sensors + 2 Contact Sensors.

I only got 2 Inline sensors as they are not that cheap so I placed 1 on the CPU Inlet and the other on the Inlet of the Res. Hopefully I'll get readings of before and after the hot parts.

I would like to polish up all the metal as Its still covered in finger prints but as I keep it closed with no window I just cba. (unless I ever get round to sending off the panel to get it cut.)
Also been really tempted to get the internals painted but this might have to be left for when I do a chipset change.

Finally some pictures (sorry for the quality).

Bare GTX680 + EVGA High Flow Bracket (free)

Fitted Block

Leak Testing

Inside Shots.


Changes incoming soon.


Been running like this for 5-6 weeks now but had to change to stock intel cooler at the weekend so removed overclock.
Just a small update but I might not be able to go any further that putting in the radiators again.

Before Anything

Back from the Painters
Well I have done what I can today as I'm not going to be putting my system back in until I have a reply from EK about my waterblock.

New things.
Shoggy Sandwich ("I love OcUK & Caseking")
Some new Masterkleer tubing.
Painted case.
Custom side panel.

Radiators, Pump and Res are all and everything is ready to just attach the blocks. I haven't replaced the front door or the roof attachment yet that I'll save for later.


The front bays from inside

Side Panel

Looks awesome mate, love the side panel window :)

Just a few things that niggle me (and may not bother other people at all)

1) Those grommets stand out a lot IMO, I would spray them matt black to help blend in or remove them completely.

2) I'd mount the pump on the other side of the drive bays so the orange anti-vibration foam isn't visible, or spray paint it.

Obviously its your build so feel free to ignore me :p
Looks awesome mate, love the side panel window :)

Just a few things that niggle me (and may not bother other people at all)

1) Those grommets stand out a lot IMO, I would spray them matt black to help blend in or remove them completely.

2) I'd mount the pump on the other side of the drive bays so the orange anti-vibration foam isn't visible, or spray paint it.

Obviously its your build so feel free to ignore me :p

1) They seem to have become less black over time but its something i will look into if they start to bother me, as the case is all black now removing them could become an option.

2) There is a reason why this doesn't bother me which could be obvious now but will become more apparent when the cables and fluid go in.
Almost finished just need to sort out the cables out the back then done.

Got to love the stock intel cooler.
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Just an update with some pictures from last night.
Should have more incoming soon just putting the rest of my case back together.

First things first was to replace the waterblock.

Now to removed the stock cooler and back plate from the 680

Block back on and with a little bit of work with the EVGA backplate as well.

Measure and cut the tubing to right length for CPU -> GPU then place board in the case.

GPU is in and connected up.

Just some pictures of the GPU in place.


Loop completed ready for the water.

All filled with the Mayhems Pastel Orange.


Essential cables in place with everything up and running.
Very nice mate!!! I have one of these cases and just love it. Yeh it's expensive but you get what you pay for! ;)
Nice tidy build....the colour of that fluid looks like someone has puked in your res though :/

LOL, I didnt want to say anything but yes... could be something you get down the sewer. Dont look very good on here but I bet its nice in person hu Barrybear? :)
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