Armorsuit up

Before and after and after

Titan Fenrir EVO
Idle 40 degrees
Load 56 degrees

Magicool 280 slim(2x140mm pull)
Idle 30 degrees
Load 42 degrees

Magicool 280 slim(2x140mm pull) + XSPC 480 (3x140mm push + 3x120mm pull).
Idle 23 degrees
Load 35 degrees.
Love the neatness of everything :D

Ya so do I a massive improvement from my v1000.

The motherboard fan headers are only temporary until I decide upon a fan controller or if the Akasa FLEXA FP5 I just bought works.

Also thanks for all the help and advice Cleeecooo been really helpful.
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That is SO MUCH rad for only a CPU. Jeez, why aren't your GPU's under water too?

Plan is to add GPUs in eventually but i dont see the point on the GTX460s as I plan on dropping them as soon as next gen appear.

O ya I dont like the waterblocks for my cards personally I want a full cover block.
Glad to help :D

you going to spray the fans at all?

I'm thinking of modding them with some clear plastic and LED's to make the look like apollishes...

Maybe the rear fan but at this stage no as there is no window etc so cosmetics are not top priority.

I finally got a fan controller the nzxt Sentry LXE, its alright as it keeps it nice and quiet.
Shame the battery that came with it doesn't work which means it doesnt keep my manual settings but AUTO is fine. I need to get another battery or complain see if I can get it free.

I got a few ideas of where I want to go next.

  • Mod HDD power cable to reduce cable clutter in case by putting 5 connectors onto 1 power strip. Ive read this is ok and easy to do.
  • Create a window and or design for side panel. I've found a laser cutting place near where I live so looking into that once I get round to a design or theme.
  • Adding in yet another radiator behind the front radiator because I can (which is why Im asking about fittings etc)
  • Cable sleeving.
  • Moving pump to base of case as i cannot adjust the speed atm as its behind a radiator. I left it on 5 as the noise was less my fans but once I got them controlled I can hear the pump over the 800rpm GTs.

I think ill do the side panel or 3rd radiator first as the others are mostly cosmetic and are all linked.
nice build!

using the gigabyte 460's? thats what i run and use a koolance gpu220 block, at £50 a peice they look god aweful but the internals of my new build will be hidden so its not a big deal and they do perform nicely, just had to add heatsinks to the other parts the chip only block didnt cover, intending on adding another 460 in sli sooner or later
Window options

Getting drawn into doing something with my case/build again but all comes down to sorting out a window.

I cant decide what to do as its impossible to get the official side panel it looks like i'll have to get one made or make myself.

I like the design on the official one so its quite possible that it will end up similar.

Anyone got any tips of where to get started and I don't have a dremel or intend to get one but I do have access to things like band saws jigsaws etc or can do by hand.

Is getting it laser cut an option or would they not do something like this?

I've seen a video or 2 of how to make but I don't like the rubber seal that they put on most of them so any tips or guides on how to make a window.

Ive seen a few different placements of the window.
  1. Stuck behind cut panel + rubber seal
  2. Screwed behind cut panel no rubber seal
  3. Screwed infront of cut panel with screws no rubber seal
Sent you a place that would CNC cut whatever design you wanted at a good price. Imo the rubber edging looks crap now. Either inside stuck with no seal or go for a thicker piece of acrylic and bolt it to the outside with a polished edge. I run that offcial window panel on my old P60 armoursuit. But theres nothing like having a one off.
Sent you a place that would CNC cut whatever design you wanted at a good price. Imo the rubber edging looks crap now. Either inside stuck with no seal or go for a thicker piece of acrylic and bolt it to the outside with a polished edge. I run that offcial window panel on my old P60 armoursuit. But theres nothing like having a one off.

Thanks does just what I need.

Got some time off coming up so might have to get them to cut for me.

To make it unique might just make a large window and put in a cover inside over the psu and cable with a design on.

Edit: just seen how good a custom cut design looks... I'm torn.
Would you be able to pass info about this place? I'm looking to order plain side panel for me 800d and do some custom cut design.
Small update. Pics to come later.

Just got me yet another radiator lol because i can.
Went with the XSPC EX240 and glad I did, matches my EX480 and is also hidden well.

Added in loads of new fittings to arrange loop much better which has turned out very well as its much tidier and is 100% ready for when new GPU(s) are added with waterblocks.

Pump has been relocated + extra padding so now its a bit quiter and i can now adjust the speed instead of 5 constant.

Modded some spare SATA power cables so running off the one now with less excess cable.

Just need to grab the camera when its finished charging then can add some new images.

Would you be able to pass info about this place? I'm looking to order plain side panel for me 800d and do some custom cut design.
Enable your trust then I can send you the link
Well here are some pics.



My attempt at a cable mod.





Much better I think.
Next step get cables sorted just need some cable ties with mounts.
Also get windowed side panel sorted.

Well thats it for 2011.
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