US: Arrow - Season 3

Was a bit disappointed there wasn't more League of Assassins stuff in that episode.

I like Vinnie, he has a 'role' but I think he plays it well enough.
She may be a **** actress in this, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since I've not seen her in anything else, but she had a nice arse in the suit.

Not that I am complaining but it did seem the whole point of choosing that camera angle was too show off her arse. Maybe Laurel being the canary isn't such a bad thing after all...

Probably not going to happen but it would be cool if he came back full of rage and started taking the bad guys out with no remorse, like he started.

That would be an interesting change of pace for Arrow, one which I think it needs. The Arrow needs to stop being a hero and, to quote Batman, be the hero the city needs which is a someone willing to do whatever it takes.
Still missing the "darkness" the first two season had..esp the first one.

And just bringing him back to life look so damn easy, that sure as hell better be really well explained.
I love Vinnie Jones and I don't care what anybody says.
If he's in it I'll watch it.

Same here. Vinnie is like Ronseal, he does exactly what it says on the tin and he's playing a character that fits in with his stereotype.

As for Laurel becoming Black Canary, if she looks like she did in that in this episode then, by all means, bring her on! That arse! :cool:
Vinnie is topping up the retirement fund. He plays a good bad guy, and as we all know the yanks love a British baddie.

I am waiting for Arrow to get down and dirty again. Definitely needs the darkness back.

Felicity needs to man up. But as she is smoking hot I will let her off (25 years old my backside)!
Love these dresses Felicity squeezes into every week.

Also that revival needs explaining...he suffered like 3 mortal attacks (blade in side, in the chest then booted off a cliff)then suddenly "oh I'm alive, cool".

A part of me was thinking they could drag his death out for a few episodes but then I thought what's the point considering he'll obviously come back to life.

Still a great show and along with The Flash my superhero fix is being delivered.
Vinnie Jones is OK and I'm just glad he's not trying to do an accent. He, and Jason Statham, need to just stick to the accent they have.
Good episode, seems to be back on form. Twists and turns to the story.

I still hate Vinnie tho :)

My prediction......

When 'The Gang' is about to be killed, Oliver turns up and saves them. And I expect him to say something along the lines of.."What have you done to my city?"
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