US: Arrow - Season 3

It's this type of female role that annoys me more than anything. The 'always' needing saved, always in trouble, always not listening, still kind of in love with. It's dreadful, it doesn't work. The whole going on a date with Felicity too, there was no scope for any sort of romance. No idea why that was even entertained.

I want to love this show too :(

I really wanted to like it too, considering all the hype it gets. Watched over 40 episodes, and it never got better. Thing is, it's not just the women actors, Deadshot, Count Vertigo (good lord was he bad), Oliver, Amanda Waller. All terrible. Done with it now anyway.

And not sure what they've done to Amanda. Should be a big lass with real presence. Instead she's some skinny chick who's crap at acting.
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Ok she is a great actress imo. Unless she really is crazy :D.

What's with palmer doing the queen workout :confused:.

ra's end scene sucked! Maybe I was spoilt by Liam neeson but Matt nable just doesn't seem right. I think the way Liam played it was amazing I always had the impression ra's was incredibly intelligent, well spoken with a smart dress sense but deadly. This guy doesn't have any of these things(so far). Ffs Liam apparantly even wanted to do it lol.
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This was a slightly better episode than the last couple, but I still think this show is suffering from a post-Deathstroke/Manu Bennett hangover. There's too much soap and not enough action on this show at the moment. I'm just really not interested in Oliver and Felicity's 'will they won't they' relationship, and Thea seems to have reverted to the boring nightclub owner side character that she was before. The worst moment in this episode was that appalling DJ thing at the nightclub, it was so cheesy and badly done. I'll keep on watching this because there isn't much else on at the moment, but I may drop it if it doesn't improve.
Ok she is a great actress imo. Unless she really is crazy :D.

What's with palmer doing the queen workout :confused:.

ra's end scene sucked! Maybe I was spoilt by Liam neeson but Matt nable just doesn't seem right. I think the way Liam played it was amazing I always had the impression ra's was incredibly intelligent, well spoken with a smart dress sense but deadly. This guy doesn't have any of these things(so far). Ffs Liam apparantly even wanted to do it lol.

That wasn't Ra's at the end by the way.

It was Captain Boomerang, played by Nick Tarabay
I'm not enjoying the Hong Kong stuff, it's not as good as the island. That was a great episode for Laurel and long may she be as good in the rest of the series as she was in thus one.
Perv mode on... (As usual)... Was it just me or did that blue dress that Felicity was wearing look like it had been sprayed on her butt? It was awesome.. :D
Felicity on top form again. :D

Ray is by far the most fun character on the show, every scene he's in is just superb. I do hope they don't make him a bad guy, I really want him to be a permanent addition to the cast.
Yea thats what im getting from it, the Smallville thing, him walking in just as they happen to kiss etc, thats all just BS padding.
I liked the Oliver character because whilst he had some love things going on, it was pretty clear cut, not back and forth, and knew what he had to be to get the job done.
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