Asked for daughters hand over email...

Dude, for the love of all things holy....WTF!!

"Yeah I want to marry your daughter and care for her all my life...but i can't be remotely ****ed to even ask you in person about it."

Not impressed at all dude.
well I'm a very new-age technological person and tbh I think having to ask her father whether she can marry me is old fashioned.

as old fashioned as marrying people one might say:confused:

I hope you were joking as thats an awful thing to do! :p if he liked you before he probably doesnt now :eek:

If you really had to email at least say summin like "You know me n your daughter are serious and we love each other blah blah and theres something i need to ask you IN PERSON"
I just subscribed to the future father-in-law's Twitter page and he's said he emailed back to say a tentative Yes while he reads through everything Swampyseifer's ever done on the internet, checks Ebay feedback etc. And he's put a poll on his Facebook page.
bloody hell, i flew all the way from england to New Mexico to ask my father in law that question.

You aint a man i'm afraid.
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