Asking someone where they are from

WTAF? They coversation was going fine until the: NO which part of Africa are you from.
Asking someone wearing traditional African clothing when none of the people she was hanging around with was wearing similar clothes what part of Africa she was from, oh the horror! Personally, I just think you've got an old privileged white lady trying to make small talk. Has the woman in question released the recording? Quite often hearing a conversation can give you an entirely different spin rather than just a transcript.
imagine being born and bred British and expected to answer “where are you from” with somewhere in Africa as being the correct answer (according to some on here) No wonder she was bemused and annoyed.
"where are you from" and some variation of it, is very commonly used to ask people their heritage.
She was dressed in African traditional clothing head to toe, it was a perfectly reasonable assumption to make in the moment.

Until she spoke in fluent English, with an English accent and told her numerous times she’s from here.

And perhaps you should be aware of who you are inviting to an event rather than taking wild stabs in the dark.
imagine being born and bred British and expected to answer “where are you from” with somewhere in Africa as being the correct answer (according to some on here) No wonder she was bemused and annoyed.

If I'd changed my name to an African one (probably one from a culture I wasn't even descended from), made a big deal about me being African, ran a business that excluded anyone who wasn't what I considered African and was at a multinational event, I'd be rather more likely to expect such a question.
Until she spoke in fluent English, with an English accent and told her numerous times she’s from here.

And perhaps you should be aware of who you are inviting to an event rather than taking wild stabs in the dark.
All fair points sure. We've all agreed that this conversation was awkward, seemingly confused, rude (if the transcript is accurate). But is it racist? Is SH racist?

That's what we have to answer objectively, because otherwise its just one person saying its not and another saying it is.

The only way to judge it rationally, based on the evidence we have available, is by examining the definitions of racism and prejudice, as I have done earlier.

But of course no one wants the right answer because everyone just wants their own 2p.
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LOL anyone who disagrees is automatically a racist? This is why it's so hard to have a serious discussion on here about taboo subjects as there is such a lack of objectivity and huge amount of reactionary opinions.

You can tell it's got certain posters riled up, if you hold an opinion I disagree with then you must be a racist too...
If I'd changed my name to an African one (probably one from a culture I wasn't even descended from), made a big deal about me being African, ran a business that excluded anyone who wasn't what I considered African and was at a multinational event, I'd be rather more likely to expect such a question.
Which one of her names did she change? Her first name only, surname only or both?
A little tail. I have travelled a lot, mostly on business. I spent some time in Taiwan. Of course you had to do the usual documentation to fill their documentation. I expected them to list me as British but no, they wanted it as English. So English what they called me. No real biggie but I am not English.
For starters the whole transcript reads like two socially inept people trying to converse. But let's drill down into it.

If you are a none white person in this country and have interacted with enough white people (to be fair people of other races will ask the question sometimes), you will eventually have the "where are you from" conversation. Most likely more than once in your lifetime. So when you hear the question in future, you will know what someone is actually trying to ask you.

The fact that she was asked this question multiple times and still didn't understand what LSH, was actually trying to ask, tells me either this is the first time she has had this conversation (highly unlikey given her age), or she was acting like she didn't know what was going on. A.K.A acting stupid

Initially she answer the question with the company she works for which is nonsense. I don't see how the correct answer to the question "where are you from", to be the company you work for. I don't think I have ever heard that question used in reference to the company you worked for. Then to answer with where the location of the company is, When asked "No, where are you from?". Nah I'm not buying the BS that this is a normal assumption. For starter the "you" was probably emphasied when asked a second time but more importantly that would have been a hint as to what LSH was actually trying to ask. Just another minor thing in a list of dumb minor nonsense, that adds to this awkward conversation.

Then when asked about where in Africa she is from (which should have been a big hint on what LSH was actually trying to ask, as ham fisted as her attempt was), rather than using that opportunity to clear it up and explain her heritage and ending this whole awkward conversation, she decides to be obstinate in her answer and continues the game where she act like she doesn't know what LSH has being trying to ask.

Then when asked for the fourth time, she responds with the UK. I would have expected this to be her first answer not that BS about the company. She gave a one word answer to the question. So she is still pretending to not know what LSH is asking her.

FH was acting dumb. She new exactly what LSH was asking but decided to drag this out probably because she knew there was a recording device nearby and she was going to milk this interaction, for all it is worth.

This is similar to what I think. She knew what Hussey meant but took a quick dislike to her, decided to make life difficult for her and then started this ****storm to get back at her and promote her charity. I wouldn't have said so initially but such a meal has been made out of this that I find it hard to think otherwise.

A little tail.

Shake it, baby.
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You're the one claiming there is no natural human nature in this.

Yet not willing to discuss.

Nor respond to my trying to be objective by looking at the definition.

You are inflexible and illogical person.

Why am I expected to repeat the same answers again and again and again?

people are not naturally racist you have to be taught or trained yourself to be that way. Its the same way some people are scared of little spiders.
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All fair points sure. We've all agreed that this conversation was awkward, seemingly confused, rude (if the transcript is accurate). But is it racist? Is SH racist?

That's what we have to answer objectively, because otherwise its just one person saying its not and another saying it is.

The only way to judge it rationally, based on the evidence we have available, is by examining the definitions of racism and prejudice, as I have done earlier.

But of course no one wants the right answer because everyone just wants their own 2p.

Yes not accepting the answer that she is from here is mildly racist, to then go one to ask where are you really from again is mildly racist.

I’ve already addressed whether I think lady Hussy is racist or not, which was not. She’s 83, but what she asked and refused to accept as an answer was mildly racist.
Which one of her names did she change? Her first name only, surname only or both?

Marlene Headley to Ngozi Fulani.

but what she asked and refused to accept as an answer was mildly racist
Are you able to say why you think the event was mildly racist by referring to the part of the definition of racism that it meets?

Also how can you have a non-racist person committing a racist act? That doesn't really make sense - the person is accountable for their actions so if the act was racist, the person was racist (at that moment).
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Are you able to say why you think the event was mildly racist by referring to the part of the definition of racism that it meets?

If the posters claiming racism could do that they'd have done so already, instead some have just gone for the it's racist and if you don't agree you're a racist too approach.
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