So the guy is reported to be (a bit of?) a douche, and people don't like him for that - which is fair enough.
But to the people celebrating his (imminent) extradition to the US... how do you feel about whistle-blowers in general?
If he isn't a whistle-blower (but something else, like an publisher/aggregator) then how can US charge him with revealing state secrets? Or can they go after publishers and potentially newspapers too?
If he is a whistle-blower, and hence the charges are of revealing state secrets, then do you agree state secrets should not be revealed under any circumstances?
Or do you just not agree with the release of these particular secrets in these particular circumstances? But if you erode the ability of whistle-blowers to protect themselves from repercussions, you inevitable make all whilst-blowing dangerous and much less likely to happen.
People like
@Evangelion are happy he's being prosecuted. I don't know if that's because he really doesn't like him as a person, or because he thinks state secrets must be protected.
Personally, I'm all for whistle-blowing. The government need to be held to account, esp governments led by people like Trump or Johnson.