Assange to go!

Well done. So you accept that Assange released details not in the public interest. Good. Not sure why you feel the need to ask me whether I can prove that he did something you yourself accept.

Low ball mental gymnastics there. answer the question, Is that why Assange is in a UK super-max so the US can extradite him?
Are you refusing to answer a simple question or don't know how to?

Why are you asking me about basic facts of the case? I've never claimed that Assange is there because of anything to do with public interest or whatever. On the contrary, I have said that it's irrelevant to why the US is extraditing him so what does your question to do with me?
I've took on board the replies to my last post.

I think if I found a file that made me so disgusted the killing of innocent men, women and children, the least of my thoughts would be to the people that are part of it.

My position is the UK should extradite him back to Australia. It shouldn't be a British decision of what to do with someone elses citizen. I think it's a dangerous precedent.
A lot of the people Assange put at risk with his "release everything (US related at least)" mantra were nothing to do with any war crimes, and were often civilians.

Things like the names of known homosexuals in countries where being gay is at the very least illegal, if not dealt with by the death penalty, names of people whose only crimes were to do things like help wounded soldiers etc,

I suspect a lot of people would have more sympathy for him if he'd taken any responsibility for his actions and given any thought to what he was doing other than "release everything, it's not our fault if innocent people get killed because we won't bother reading the documents".

He likes to have his fans think he was "exposing war crimes", but most of what he was releasing was nothing of the kind.

I would have had more sympathy for him if he hadn't played hide and seek in the embassy for years trying to run out the clock on the Swedish claims, especially as it would have been much harder for him to have been transferred from Swedish custody to the US - he did his attempt to avoid Swedish justice in possibly the worst country in the world to do it in if you had anything to fear from the US.
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I'm not asking about any facts, I'm asking what you opinion is on that matter.

My opinion about what? Your question "Is that why Assange is in a UK super-max [sic] so the US can extradite him?" is a question about fact not opinion because what Assange is currently being held for extradition over is a matter of fact not opinion. On the other hand, my opinion that I couldn't give two stuffs about Assange is based on things like his release of the name and address of a Saudi homosexual is a matter of opinion based on fact. You see the difference?
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It'll be interesting if the US agrees to drop the death penalty as that is a condition of extradition.

I don't think they will.
It's a shame the US won't extradite US citizens that actually killed UK citizens. I guess some countries don't care about so called international law.
It's not "international law" as in there is some world government that makes us, it's the treaties we've signed because they benefit us in some way.

For example we've signed a treaty that means that it's pretty easy for the US to get someone from the UK, but fairly hard to do the other way around (not to mention the person you're talking about was IIRC employed by the US government which makes it even harder).
We won't for example extradite to China easily, nor Russia, and I suspect we won't to North Korea or a few other countries at all.
It'll be interesting if the US agrees to drop the death penalty as that is a condition of extradition.

Almost certainly, I think. It's not like he's likely to get it anyway, and they've done so before. The condition regarding the first amendment is more interesting; I don't know whether they are constitutional issues with doing that.
Almost certainly, I think. It's not like he's likely to get it anyway, and they've done so before. The condition regarding the first amendment is more interesting; I don't know whether they are constitutional issues with doing that.
He's not an American citizen? Whistleblowing is only protected if your a public official also I believe.
He's not an American citizen? Whistleblowing is only protected if your a public official also I believe.

No, he's not an American Citizen. Australian is his only citizenship. If I understand the US secrecy laws correctly there is no whistleblower exemption, which is quite bad IMO.

An interesting article about how now is the best time for the Australian government to start pushing for Assanges release.

I suspect we're going to see a stalemate over the death penalty with the US. If Australia took him back it would help solve a situation so that both the UK and US don't lose face.
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