Yep, it does amaze me that people stick up for Assange. Not only does the bloke have the blood on his hands of all those brave people but he also appears to do a little sideline in sexually assaulting people
Innocent until proven guilty ring a bell? He has no blood on his hands, because the people over there shouldn't be there in the first place. The armies main priority is the DEFENCE of this country and not the interest of the banking cartel and oil industry.
Why is it Assange's fault about what people do with information?
We should never have been in Iraq/Afghanistan and likewise none of this would have been an issue if it wasn't for our war mongers in control of foreign policy.
I'm sick to death of people defending the war, why should we be forcing our way of life onto others? Why should we be invading other countries for there natural resources? All we ever hear is the 1 sided argument from state controlled media and when people bring alternative news to the table from reputable sources they get laughed away or dismissed. Libya is a fantastic example of how the state, controlled our media and made it look like we where "helping". Would you like it if i came around your house and invaded your living room because you had the natural resource of pizza?
What Assange did was what the press should be doing, and because the press is state controlled we will never get the truth from papers or the news on the TV. Information is power and if you control the information you control the people. Its a simple and common concept.
I personally think what Assange did, we are not ready for as a society. We like our comforts and our warm cuddly government that keeps us "safe", provides us with our benefits and NHS. For someone to come along and tell you, what you thought was wrong, your natural instinct is to fight it, because people HATE being told the truth. We want freedom, but we want it with our hands being held, we want freedom on the internet but rather then educate the users we want the government to control it to make sure we are protected.
A lot of people here are stuck in a very draconian way of thinking, society around us has moved on and we need to do the same. We need to understand and appreciate people have different opinions and beliefs, that you as a person is capable of doing anything and that the government is in power at the behest of the people and not the other way around. Instead of bombing countries for there natural resources and suppressing the rebels and labelling them as terrorists we need to look at alternatives, why invade at all? Why not develop the means to not need to do such things.
I'm completely fed up with this country, people seem to have lost all passion for anything but Wine/Beer, TV and X Factor. Kids feel there entitled to the entire planet and parents think that 16 is the age to not give a **** about there kids.
Ugh i'll get flamed for this. So I'm stopping here, i could rant for hours over the completely appalling situation our country is in morally, ethically and socially.