Assange to go!

Hardly. I said he doesn't have blood on his hands and you said "oh really". Claiming that it was his responsibility of the actions from the Kenyan people.

Of course has had blood on his hands - he accepts that himself - people died as a result of leaks he facilitated. The rabid fanboism for this bloke is amazing despite all the evidence to the contrary. Kind of shows you how easily religions, messiahs and prophets are created.
Of course has had blood on his hands - he accepts that himself - people died as a result of leaks he facilitated. The rabid fanboism for this bloke is amazing despite all the evidence to the contrary. Kind of shows you how easily religions, messiahs and prophets are created.

I agree with this, I think its scary how adulation like this takes off, it shows how cult figures get such a following and its as scary as the people who don't question what their Governments do.

What is the blind faith thing with Assange..he clearly isn't what he has claimed to be.
This argument simply suggests multiple wrongs make a right and they clearly don't. It's nonsensical to justify his actions by quoting the invasion of Iraq. Assange is like the Governments he holds to ridicule and yet people love him for it. All conspiracy fans seem to think its ok to hurt people as long as you are not the person getting hurt.

Well your telling me that its ok for us to invade a country and kill thousands of people because of information.

But when a nation acts upon information provided and end up killing people its not ok?

WE as a country authorised and implemented the killing of innocent people for the procurement of natural resources and i'm sorry that is FAR FAR worse then a nation acting upon there own free will based of the information they are provided.

It can't be right for Assange to put lives at risk simply because the people he criticises have done it.

But its ok for the British government to put thousand of Mum's and Dad's in the line of fire for the greed of corporations?
Well your telling me that its ok for us to invade a country and kill thousands of people because of information.

But when a nation acts upon information provided and end up killing people its not ok?

WE as a country authorised and implemented the killing of innocent people for the procurement of natural resources and i'm sorry that is FAR FAR worse then a nation acting upon there own free will based of the information they are provided.

But its ok for the British government to put thousand of Mum's and Dad's in the line of fire for the greed of corporations?

I didn't say any of those things, that suggestion is so far from my post and is so patently silly its not worth a full response :)
So what exactly did the leak do. What did it better? Who's life did it better?

It told the Kenyans that the most popular political party was corrupt. And what did it better, well that party wasn't elected, so i'd say the people.

How they acted upon that was there own responsibility.
I didn't say any of those things, that suggestion is so far from my post and is so patently silly its not worth a full response :)

I'm not saying you said any of them things, but what i take away from your posts is its ok for the UK government to lie to the public about the war in Iraq and the subsequent deaths of thousands of people.

Yet when an individual releases information that "might" put people in danger, he is hated.
Of course has had blood on his hands - he accepts that himself - people died as a result of leaks he facilitated. The rabid fanboism for this bloke is amazing despite all the evidence to the contrary. Kind of shows you how easily religions, messiahs and prophets are created.

If he wants to take that stance and blame him self, thats his choice.

I personally don't blame him, like i said, how people react to information provided is down to the individual and not the informant.
I'm not saying you said any of them things, but what i take away from your posts is its ok for the UK government to lie to the public about the war in Iraq and the subsequent deaths of thousands of people.

Yet when an individual releases information that "might" put people in danger, he is hated.

You can take whatever you please from my posts, that isn't what I wrote nor what I think. It's simply a patently silly conclusion to draw.
If he wants to take that stance and blame him self, thats his choice.

I personally don't blame him, like i said, how people react to information provided is down to the individual and not the informant.

The responsability lies with the publisher. Just like in media the responsability is with the writer/editor and can and do get fined and proscuted.
The responsability lies with the publisher. Just like in media the responsability is with the writer/editor and can and do get fined and proscuted.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I can't understand how its anybodies fault but the individual for there own actions.

Like i pointed out before. If i told you your partner was cheating with the neighbour and you kill the neighbour, how is his death my responsibility? :confused:
Like i pointed out before. If i told you your partner was cheating with the neighbour and you kill the neighbour, how is his death my responsibility? :confused:

it's not but that's a massive difference, to media situation which contains informants, legal trials etc. it's silly to compare the two things.
Why do you think we have laws on media? Or do yo think we should get rid of those laws.
People arenot free to post what ever they like and tats how it should be.
Total freedom of speech with no consequence is a silly idea.
it's not but that's a massive difference, to media situation which contains informants, legal trials etc. it's silly to compare the two things.
Why do you think we have laws on media? Or do yo think we should get rid of those laws.
People arenot free to post what ever they like and tats how it should be.
Total freedom of speech with no consequence is a silly idea.

May i asked then, when the newspapers reported Tony Blair claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, we invaded and killed thousands of people and in the end nothing was there. Is this not the same situation?

Wikileaks tell country there political party is corrupt. They attack each other.

Same situation to me.
Same situation?no off course is not the same situation. There's massive difference.

What did tony Blair leak? Tony Blair was also the one who chose to go to war.
Both however are extremely bad.

Why do you keep clutching at the two wrongs make a right argument. When no one is saying that at all.
Off course other wrongs happen, no one has said otherwise.
Stop clutching at straws and trying to turn the debate. It's not helping you in the slightest.
It told the Kenyans that the most popular political party was corrupt. And what did it better, well that party wasn't elected, so i'd say the people.

How they acted upon that was there own responsibility.

Except as is usual with africa the new regime is as bad as the last lot. It bettered nothing.
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