Assange to go!

Why do you think he will get a fair trial?

Because Sweden has a first world justice system with a good record of delivering fair justice. Imperfect, of course, as with all countries but there's no reason to think they're any worse than, say, ours and they're certainly a whole deal better than the US, for example.

It's been ranked first in the world for operating the rule of law and consistently scores in the top three alongside other Scandinavian countries.
The moment his plane lands in Sweden he'll be led directly to another plane on a 1 way flight to murica.
The moment his plane lands in Sweden he'll be led directly to another plane on a 1 way flight to murica.

Given that the alternative is that the law abiding taxpayer picks up the bill, yes.

What is it about assange that leads people to constantly make apologies for rape?

Is rape OK if you are a lefty or something?

Probably because a significant proportion of the information seems to suggest the claims rest on "crimes" that wouldn't be prosecutable in the UK and that at least one of the claims seems to have a lot of "retribution of being lied to/cheated on" attached to it.

He didn't jump someone in the middle of the night, it's a far more subtle argument than that, including women finding out he wasn't just sleeping with them..

Then there is the previous dropping of the prosecution and the absolute mess of a procedure that has lead to him being in an embassy for 3 years, willing to be interviewed and not.

None of the above is suggesting he shouldn't be interviewed and tried, however it leaves huge cracks in the case and the seeming proclamation by many on this board that he "obviously" is guilty. So no, it's mostly not apologising for rape, its understanding that the case isn't as clear cut as many make it seem and that the prosecution has made a massive hash up.
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Probably because a significant proportion of the information seems to suggest the claims rest on "crimes" that wouldn't be prosecutable in the UK and that at least one of the claims seems to have a lot of "retribution of being lied to/cheated on" attached to it.

He didn't jump someone in the middle of the night, it's a far more subtle argument than that, including women finding out he wasn't just sleeping with them..

Then there is the previous dropping of the prosecution and the absolute mess of a procedure that has lead to him being in an embassy for 3 years, willing to be interviewed and not.

None of the above is suggesting he shouldn't be interviewed and tried, however it leaves huge cracks in the case and the seeming proclamation by many on this board that he "obviously" is guilty. So no, it's mostly not apologising for rape, its understanding that the case isn't as clear cut as many make it seem and that the prosecution has made a massive hash up.

It is amazing that you have discovered something not already tackled and thoroughly debunked in a court of law in the UK... Oh wait, you haven't.

Raising arguments that have already been dealt with and debunked in court as if they are new is a sign of either ignorance or wilful dishonesty. Which is it?
Oi! You'll find a great deal of "lefties" are strongly opposed to Assange and think he should face trial. Most people I've seen defend him are libertarians.

His cowardice in failing to face fair trial is pathetic.

Sorry, should have been liberal left rather than just plain old lefties. The authoritarian left don't tend to like Assange.

YMMV, but look at which sections of the press spend their time defending Assange.
The moment his plane lands in Sweden he'll be led directly to another plane on a 1 way flight to murica.

Of all the dumb arguments trotted out by Assange this is the least credible. Why on earth would the US wait until he's extradited to Sweden instead of acting to extradite him from the UK where it's markedly easier for them to do so?
Okay lets put this in perspective:

  • He has spent three years hiding to avoid being charged with rape, which only has a 2-6 year maximum sentence anyway, and cost our taxpayers millions.
  • He has technically admitted his guilt, but doesn't think it should count as it's not actually classed as rape in his home country (but is here).
  • His defence is that it's all a big scam to try an extradite him to America, which is nonsense because the US hasn't applied to extradite him, and even if it did Sweden already has first crack at him, and even he was cleared in Sweden the US wouldn't have a shot because Sweden doesn't extradite people for political crimes and has already refused to send the US much bigger fish than Assange.

It's amazing that we still have people supporting this idiot (in their defense, usually because they don't know any more than they have read on a shared Wikileaks FB post).
Sorry, should have been liberal left rather than just plain old lefties. The authoritarian left don't tend to like Assange.

YMMV, but look at which sections of the press spend their time defending Assange.

Woah... liberal does not equal libertarian.

As a member of the liberal left I fully support his extradition to Sweden. Assange should be in Sweden and his apologists are either uninformed or deliberately trying to mislead others/themselves.

I also feel a little weird for agreeing with Dolph's general point.
You think those nice chaps at Langley can't get anyone lifted off a street in Ecuador and delivered to the American Embassy in a large North Face bag for next to nothing?

Of course they can but I'm talking about lifting him out of the Ecuadorian Embassy here. ;)
Of course they can but I'm talking about lifting him out of the Ecuadorian Embassy here.

He's not worth the political and diplomatic cost of such an action. I do think we, and other nations, should be giving Ecuador a much harder diplomatic time for sheltering an accused rapist.
Fingers crossed that we can finally send him back tomorrow:

In the statement published by Wikileaks on Twitter, Mr Assange said: "Should the UN announce tomorrow that I have lost my case against the United Kingdom and Sweden I shall exit the embassy at noon on Friday to accept arrest by British police as there is no meaningful prospect of further appeal.

"However, should I prevail and the state parties be found to have acted unlawfully, I expect the immediate return of my passport and the termination of further attempts to arrest me."
Nah, the UN backed him.

Not that the UK government cares, the moment he steps out in public he'll be on his way to Sweden.
Nah, the UN backed him.

Not that the UK government cares, the moment he steps out in public he'll be on his way to Sweden.

He should have gone to the EU Courts of human rights, then the UK would have then bent over and spread it arse cheeks
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