Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

It seems we may well be playing as teenage connor aswell and may be even as kid connor, as game spans 30 years of connor life.


Desmond retains original facial features again (hated his dopey bearded look in revelations)


The game is turning out to be amazing :cool:
I saw plenty of this game during the recent Eurogamer Expo at Earls Court. Sadly the game also had the longest sodding queues to play it, alongside Dishonoured so I never got the chance to play it first hand.

I have to admit, despite the doubts I have for the setting in this installment it did look really good on the combat front.
Notice how the main story of each assassin takes place roughly around 300 years after the previous game

Altair 1191 AD+

Ezio 1476 AD+

Connor 1753 AD+
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I've just been looking at all the different editions of the game that you can get, and quite frankly it's disgusting. Not one edition has ALL of of the extras that you can get, instead it must be spread around 7 different editions. What happened to the days of a normal edition and one special edition with all the nice things? Assassins Creed 2 was clear cut enough with the editions, why didn't they just follow that model again?

Think I'll just pre-order the standard game to be honest. Although Join or Die Edition is only a few quid more for PC from the purple half-dead game shop than the standard.

Notice how the main story of each assassin takes place roughly around 300 years after the previous game

Altair 1191 AD+

Ezio 1476 AD+

Connor 1753 AD+

They haven't announced it yet, but the fourth game is about WingZero getting halfway through his retirement then completely WIGGING OUT.
Again, this is not what people are getting "worked up" over, it's how the American revolution is being portrayed as fight of good vs evil, which is about as far from the truth as you could get.

One more time, no one cares that they are killing british troops, it's the warping of history, in this case the American Revolution into some sort of patriotism **** fest where the "awesome 'mericans" are fighting off the "evil empire".

To be fair I suspect there was some artistic license used in the earlier games too especially in relation to Renaissance Italy.

Regardless of the historical accuracy, games/films that feature protagonists rising up against oppressors are usually quite powerful and get the juices flowing, and if they think the American Revolution is a good vehicle for that, then good luck to them. Borgias, Brits, who cares if it instils a sense of identity, pride and purpose into the player.
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