Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

This is getting absurd...

They keep saying that the main character is a Native American (theyfought with the British) but every video so far has done nothing but increase the anti British sentiment, I know "it's a game" and all but it's getting a little ridiculous at this point.

Don't get me wrong the gameplay so far look utterly superb, no questions there, however all this American patriotism RED COATS ARE EVIL stuff is starting to grate.
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Surprised to see so many people getting worked up about it, it is just a game afterall. Plus we have only seen Boston so far haven't we? New york will probably be very different. The Boston gameplay walk through video posted a few days ago really impressed me. Can't wait to play this.
Game is looking great. I couldn't give a monkeys if you have to kill British troops? It's the American revolution for christs sake. I'm amazed people are getting worked up over it.

Like its been fine to shoot any other represented nation in any other game up until now? Think of the Russians! Always being given the dodgy characters to play!:P
Game is looking great. I couldn't give a monkeys if you have to kill British troops? It's the American revolution for christs sake. I'm amazed people are getting worked up over it.

Again, this is not what people are getting "worked up" over, it's how the American revolution is being portrayed as fight of good vs evil, which is about as far from the truth as you could get.

Like its been fine to shoot any other represented nation in any other game up until now? Think of the Russians! Always being given the dodgy characters to play!:P

One more time, no one cares that they are killing british troops, it's the warping of history, in this case the American Revolution into some sort of patriotism **** fest where the "awesome 'mericans" are fighting off the "evil empire".
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Again, this is not what people are getting "worked up" over, it's how the American revolution is being portrayed as fight of good vs evil, which is about as far from the truth as you could get.

One more time, no one cares that they are killing british troops, it's the warping of history, in this case the American Revolution into some sort of patriotism **** fest where the "awesome 'mericans" are fighting off the "evil empire".

It's not supposed to be historically accurate.

So I don't care *shrug*
One more time, no one cares that they are killing british troops, it's the warping of history, in this case the American Revolution into some sort of patriotism **** fest where the "awesome 'mericans" are fighting off the "evil empire".

Every story told from your own side is full of it and the enemy the opposite.
Even if it's fiction.
They keep saying that the main character is a Native American (theyfought with the British).

I'm pretty sure the native American's where split with most on the British side but by no means all of them so there's not much wrong here.
sure both sides seriously abused them but there where tribes which fought on both sides or just one side.

Apparently they learnt to scalp after the Brits taught them it to keep a count of French kills in their use in gorrila warfare (go the Brits woohoo).
Also, in the case of this game, perhaps the Brits in question are templars?

Ubisoft have stated pretty clearly that this is not the case.

Also questioning Ubisofts decisions regarding their portrayal of a major historical event is hardly whining, drop the condescension.
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Ubisoft have stated pretty clearly that this is not the case.

Also questioning Ubisofts decisions regarding their portrayal of a major historical event is hardly whining, drop the condescension.

I just don't understand why people seem to get so worked up over a game. We have hardly seen anything yet, it is a little early to get out the pitchforks.
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