Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

Is there a way to reveal the maps fully like in previous games by making use of eagle viewpoints ? It seems in this game the maps are only revealed if you just go about exploring. Still the maps are shrouded in darkness and tbh not liking it.
Is there a way to reveal the maps fully like in previous games by making use of eagle viewpoints ? It seems in this game the maps are only revealed if you just go about exploring. Still the maps are shrouded in darkness and tbh not liking it.

It works in exactly the same way as the old games. There are eagle viewpoints throughout the whole map.
Not quite. There are some areas that aren't covered by eagle viewpoints. I've got them all and still some areas are shrouded. Frontier especially, but also in Boston and NYC.
Doubt I will finish this game tbh. A few bugs, far too many glitches, some awful design and too much boring traveling. Shame, as I was enjoying parts of it.
I absolutely detest bits like that in games...there were loads in far Cry 3 as well. Why exactly do I have to remain undetected ffs????? Oh, you have been detected, reload and do it again until you do it how we want you to!

Any time that kind of mechanic crops up in a game, I die a little inside:(
Especially as you get detected by an officer that NOBODY else can see, just because he saw you, which you could easily kill. Yet if you hide in 2 foot grass while being bumped into by murderer alert guards, they can't see you!

yeah the glitches, bugs etc are really spoiling the gameplay for me. Compared to previous games, this one seems to be really unoptimized for PC especially for AMD cards owners. I have 5850 and seems game is only utilising around 38-50% of my gpu on average lol.

Previous games ran smoothly and easily utilised most of gpu power, but this one is opposite
Just played it a bit more, and there is a good game in here...It is Assassin's Creed after all. It is just really the design and performance issues that are getting to me. I enjoyed the last few mission that I did, and the sailing ones are great imo. Also I do like the town areas(though could do with a bit more to do tbh)

I know this is standard Ubisoft, but the UI really is awful!...I was just in a fight, and I had the mission log taking up half of the screen, so I couldn't see when enemies were about to attack me ffs!(in a game where combat is based on counters....not good) There are option for HUD, but could do with a few more. Oh and it is time Ubisoft abandoned this map system. It was awful in AC2 trilogy, it was awful in Far Cry 3, it is awful in this! Also a decent quest log would improve matters greatly too.

The next Assassin's Creed game really needs to advance in quite a few areas imo. I think the basic gameplay has always been strong, but most other areas seem a bit lazy. I would actually say that the UI is most important area in need of a revamp, including the map/inventory/quest log.
" Dsync Detected "
" Dsync Detected "

**** This game, uninstalled.

I was in a bar, you have to snoop on peoples chat. Did that, but as I walked out I bumped into someone and it goes " DSYNC DETECTED ". Yet as you walk out the bar with the cutscene, he ends up getting detected as part of the story.

What the and that stupid level with the cannons, I'm playing as an assassin not THIEF
Awesome, found a cheat trainer

" Detection removal "

Finally I can play the game with fun

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I am experiencing very annoying bug in the accounting book. Sometimes the special items recipes are available and sometimes they are absent:confused:. Plus sometimes I can't see respective ingredients associated with a recipe whereby it tells me what item I need in order to complete crafting that particular recipe.

I am basically stuck with very basic layout of accounting book even though I have completed all the homestead missions.

Its also missing Miscellaneous, War Supplies and Wood works headings in the stockpile.

Any idea?
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I didn't bother much with the accounting book, did a few but then got bored, sorry can't help.

I finished the main story the other day, not been playing much so it too a long time.

I really enjoyed the game, think it is worthy of the name and all that, loved the homestead missions (not that they added much more than a sense of community). The part of the game that I liked the least unfortunately were the naval missions, I never really felt in control of the ship - this is a concern for Assassin's Creed 4.
Just beaten this bad boy, thoughts below:

+Good graphics in the outdoor sections, bit of an improvement on earlier games in the series
+Homestead missions are good fun, fairly simple but varied and give a bit of a 'feel good factor'
+Vibrant cities with lots of citizens
+Not a massive fan of the ship sections BUT they did push the envelope a bit and give the game some variety, the captain of the Akila is a good character also
+Decent game length something like 20hrs
+Frontier bits are good in terms of getting you out and about a bit, the tree swinging bits are a nice touch in terms of retaining the game mechanic and the level design is pretty good in terms of not having too many unclimbable cliff faces etc

-Very cpu limited (single core maxed out), I think you need a 6ghz i7 at the bare minimum to get this running smoothly on a 120hz monitor
-A few glitches e.g. I fell out the bottom of the level once :/ Also a lot of texture popup and people randomly disappearing
-Setting isn't as good as Renaissance Italy
-Still not really enjoying the Desmond sections, find myself itching to get back into the action
-Connor isn't as good a character as Ezio/Altair
-Didn't really 'get' the main plotline i.e. visions, power sources and all that nonsense
-Really clunky console style UI, switching from gun to horse whistle shouldn't be such a hardship, there should just be a key binding for it

Overall my initial view on this game wasn't great and I had it down as the worst in the series since Director's Cut. However it started to improve a few sequences in and I'd say it is perhaps better than Revelations.

Also not really a positive or negative, but I hardly did any hunting or trading at all, it seemed unnecessary.
dragging this up, but I've only just figured out after getting 3 assassins how to do the missions for them....Stupid way of doing things.

Is there anyway of seeing each assassin individually and changing their outfit and seeing skills etc. You could in previous ones even if was just "hood up" or "mask on" :(
Thought I would post this here too -

Assassin's Creed III - 8.5/10

+ An excellent story, especially towards the end
+ A good amount of playtime (playing through the entire life of the main character)
+ Graphically stunning turned all the way up
+ The snow landscapes are spectacular
+ There is finally a weather system
+ The ship missions are a real highlight
+ Combat is fun and we can now dual wield (pistols too)
+ Free running is much smoother and less easily interrupted
+ The soundtrack is excellent
+ Some of the 'present day' missions are actually quite fun, although they can spoil the flow of the game
+ The cities feel alive
+ The frontier is fun and there are some neat additions here
+ The optional objectives are handled much better than in AC2

- The first 1/3 of the game feels like a tutorial and is very slow and linear
- The homestead missions are dull and feel like a waste of time (although pad out the story well in some places)
- The engine is poorly optimised (terribly CPU limited)
- Connor isn't very likable (nowhere near as much as Altair and Ezio)
- Crafting is a pointless and boring addition
- Some of the voice overs are of poor quality
- Far too much travel, the world is huge!
- The mini-game of sending out your assassins adds little and seems like an after thought this time around

I personally love this series. Sure, there are lots of niggles. However, if the next installment is ship focused then sign me up!
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