Assassin's Creed Odyssey

You will get the bug to finish everything on each island before you move on.

Like when I spot an undiscovered leader - he's got to go! Then, in the process of taking him out I have to clear the area, and that results in the nation power being reduced and now I'm going to have to deplete it to the point of final battle.

So addictive :D
I'm halfway through and I have to say that it's getting pretty boring, does the story/missions get any better?

Also, is there a way to skip naval battles? I have to clear a blockade to continue with the main story but I really hate them.
Hi folks, I today got a 2070 Super and was hoping this would show a marked improvement on my 970 (which benchmarked at 39fps on Very High) but when I ran it on the new card I got 37 on Ultra High and 40 on Very High. I know that the min/max will be more stable, but that's not right, surely?

I've read it's a CPU-intensive game and I only have and i5-4670K (running at stock) and 8GB of DDR3 RAM but I should be getting better than that, surely? Any clues as to what to try? I can overclock my CPU a little - it's never been a big overclocker - but I'm really disappointed and surprised that the performance.

All help welcome!
What resolution are you playing at?

I played at 2560x1440 with a RTX 2080 and from memory I was getting about 60-80fps with everything set to the highest it would go.
The benchmark itself shows usage was very high, yeah. I'll try overclocking it and see how much improvement I get - but it looks like I'll need to look at a CPU upgrade sooner rather than later.
UBI have sale on Steam, some games are cheap as chips (many are AC series), Tom Clancy Series and FarCry Series + more.

Yeah saw on Ubi store today the Odyssey Ultimate edition for €38 and wondering if worth to get it.

And I prefer to buy it on Ubi store because having 2 layers of launchers (Steam & Uplay) to run it is daft these days.
I was pretty "meh" on Origins...was decent but I grew tired of it quickly, so I thought I'd bore of this too - but I'm enjoying this much more. The combat feels *much* better, overall game seems to flow, plus the forest and greenery of Greece is much better than the repetative open deserts.

Definately going to pick this up...not sure I'll bother with anything other than the base game though for £16.
Bought after the free weekend (damn you Gabe :mad:). Haven't played a AC game since Brotherhood as it became a bit too samey, but this seems to have mixed things up a bit and has been fun so far. I was pleased to see that you can earn achievements on Steam as well, not seen that with an Ubisoft game before.
I'm playing for the second time as Kassandra now. I think the mini-games like hunting the cultists, killing the mercenaries and fighting the mythical creatures is more fun than the main game!

Lord knows what you have to do to get a solid 60fps though. I think I'm just above 1080p and it's still in the 40s during cut scenes.
whats the difference in storys, i might give it a go as casandra although i dont think ive collected everything or been everywhere as the guy yet
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