Well this is a bit weird... Been having problems getting above 30fps with crossfire enabled. So reading up on the AC forums someone said that any of the apps can kill your framerate. So I decided to try and use the fps display built into Raptr.
So in game I go, same video settings as last night, same setup, same race settings just me and another car on Spa. I kill the race track app but leave the FPS app showing so I could compare with teh Raptr app before and after. Press PageUp+A to toggle my Raptr fps display on, and my fps jumps up to 120fps Vsync'd.
Looked to see if any settings on AC are controlled by PageUp+A, and could not see any. So either I have done something mental, or suddenly through sheer will of the game the fps kicked in at the exact same time.
Exited the game a few times and still getting the same FPS.
7950 xfire with 14.9.1 drivers..