Another +1 for the LUT generator. I've used it on a couple of wheels and found it works very well.
Yeah I've done the same with my G25 and it does make a lot, very much worth doing.
Setup the LUT on my G25 and tweaked it, got things about right. Starting thinking "now time for a big session of racing"...
Shifter breaks... Jumps out of second gear constantly, sometimes into neutral sometimes into 4th
Time to dismantle things...
Guessing that on online servers, you're locked into standard filters?
What it is, on the vive, most tracks you need to be wearing a stela pair of ray bans to see anything. Single player I have grey'ish sky. Wondering if there's any way around that.
might be worth checking the socket going into the wheel, the wires can get pulled abit, or crushed :/ I got duct tape over the channels on mine.
if its bust and you need a replacement, the thrustmaster 8 gear thing is very nice and solid
Ended up taking the top of the lever and the leather bit off, gave it a good wiggle and it seemed to stop doing it. Put it back together and touch wood all ok. Has lasted me well this, think I bought it about 10 years ago!
Would definitely be eyeballing the thrustmaster stuff if I was to replace though. The T500, triple peddle and shifter combo looks awesome