AC can not use Iracing system as it would need to introduce subscription fees to cover the costs.
It's not just that, it's the same old online problem... you can either have serious racing with all the potential stresses, or fun racing with all the fools. Finding the middle ground is very hard, which is why leagues thrive both on or off iRacing. There is never a substitute for racing the same faces and getting to know their flaws and strengths. That's why the best pickup racing on iRacing is in the unpopular series. The lower the number of drivers, the more like a league it has to become in order to find official races.
I gave up active iRacing because I got sick of preparing hard for races and then getting punted by someone who gambled and lost, and for whom that race might be only one of five or six they do that day.
It might have been better than any other kind of racing against randoms on the net, but the stress and annoyance factor is -- for me anyway -- amplified massively, spoiling the fun. So what I gained on the swings I lost on the roundabouts.
This morning I tried AC and it was, as expected, a bit glitchy. I also punted some poor guy in practice, not realising he was even slower than me into T1 at Monza, then another in the race, despite being a risk averse A4.99 on iRacing. But without voice comms to argue in the heat of the moment, in both cases I was able to wait for the guy in question to pass me before getting up to speed again and having a bit of a battle.
It was fun, not work.
I understand exactly why many folk, especailly the seriously competitive, love iRacing, but for me this hobby is all about firing up the PC for an hour or so, having a few short races, then going off to do something else. So I'm hoping that AC's open nature will allow someone to revive GPL's VROC for some arrive and drive chat and relaxation.
It'll be as random and full of idiots as any other online sim apart from iRacing, but I find it way, way,
way easier to keep my cool in that kind of environment. Staying calm when some muppet's just parked his Skip Barber in your engine, ruined your race and driven off unharmed, was never good for my blood pressure.
And I'm old. It's one thing to be found dead in the bathroom emulating Elvis, or in front of the PC knocking one out, but I don't want to be found by an ambulance crew slumped at a wheel with an iRacing results page as my epitaph.
The only thing I do miss about iRacing is racing real names (mostly).