Are these drives still having problems after the fix I haven't noticed any slow down since the fix yet?
Too soon.
Come back in two or three month's time.
Are these drives still having problems after the fix I haven't noticed any slow down since the fix yet?
Haven't run any fix on mine, TBH I'm losing interest. I've not long since done a fresh W8.1 install anyway so it should ok for now. Will wait to see how you guys get on before I do anything.
my trial period for HD tune has run out which means I cannot run it anymore.
I've had mine for about a year and there seems to be no slow down so far. Haven't updated to the latest firmware but updated to the first "fix".
Applying the firmware update takes seconds (OK, a minute or less is you include the reboot).
Slight risk of data loss, yes. However, I`ve done dozens of firmware updates to Samsung SSDs and never had a problem.
Funny how our lives and priorities change... My PC hardly ever gets used either. The rise of powerful phones and tablets has dramatically reduced the amount of time I need to use my PC.Yeah I know, but I just can't be bothered.
TBH I don't even know why I bother having a PC as I have virtually no time to use it any more, I spend far too much time with work that when I do get chance to use it I just switch it on for 30 mins and do the few bits I need and then switch it off.
I must admit I am curious to know just what proportion of the 840 evo's were actually affected by this degradation, not found any sort of stats. My 840 500gb evo is still reading exactly as it was nearly 8 weeks ago, still averaging 540 mb/s. Nearly all of the data was written on the first day, and having seen so many graphs showing fall off at this stage, I am now thinking there is a definite worst and best case scenario's depending on perhaps build date and the batch the chips came from. I am still on the previous firmware, as my Samsung magician has still not notified me 4.6 is out. I will just keep testing and wait.
I must admit I am curious to know just what proportion of the 840 evo's were actually affected by this degradation, not found any sort of stats. My 840 500gb evo is still reading exactly as it was nearly 8 weeks ago, still averaging 540 mb/s. Nearly all of the data was written on the first day, and having seen so many graphs showing fall off at this stage, I am now thinking there is a definite worst and best case scenario's depending on perhaps build date and the batch the chips came from. I am still on the previous firmware, as my Samsung magician has still not notified me 4.6 is out. I will just keep testing and wait.