ASUS Eee Pad Transformer 2

am running ICS on the original transformer and I can't fault it , fast and smooth runs great and been on my mates prime and its superb the higher screen quality is a joy to see , hell even the screen on this looks way better than the ipad2 much sharper.

ipad2 is yesterays news - compare it to the ipad3.

However I agree that the screen res on on the prime is very acceptable for normal use. 1080p is just the iceing.
a 10" tablet to watch 1080p stuff on - is that all you use your tab for? 4:3 I have found is a much nicer aspect ratio for a tab from using a touchpad and ipad.

have you seen the shocking build quality (screen bleed, loose hardware key dead pixel etc) and wifi issues on the prime? that's a big FAIL right there.

Android ICS as on OS is fine - but as a complete tablet experience is lacking proper quality tablet apps - like they have on the ipad.

I have been with Android from the G1 days - Android tabs are in the G1 TO DESIRE PHASE - to compete they need to be in the SGS2 phase - i.e. solid hardware and software.

My wife still uses a G2 :o
ipad2 is yesterays news - compare it to the ipad3.

However I agree that the screen res on on the prime is very acceptable for normal use. 1080p is just the iceing.

IPad 3 looks OK spec wise but am not a fan of IOS at all and hate iTunes so will always be android for me and I like the keyboard doc to much for now, its all great using on screen but its nice to have a proper keyboard to use.

Small edit there is nothing wrong with iOS its just not my cup of tea.
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a 10" tablet to watch 1080p stuff on - is that all you use your tab for? 4:3 I have found is a much nicer aspect ratio for a tab from using a touchpad and ipad.

have you seen the shocking build quality (screen bleed, loose hardware key dead pixel etc) and wifi issues on the prime? that's a big FAIL right there.

Android ICS as on OS is fine - but as a complete tablet experience is lacking proper quality tablet apps - like they have on the ipad.

I have been with Android from the G1 days - Android tabs are in the G1 TO DESIRE PHASE - to compete they need to be in the SGS2 phase - i.e. solid hardware and software.

No, I much prefer the 16:9 format. I agree the Prime is a fail in some respects, especially the wifi, but it's still a lovely design, slim, light and comfortable to hold for long periods (which I don't think the iPad2 is so the iPad3 will be worse). As is our TF101, which I prefer to our iPad2 since the ICS update.

And as for apps, well some of my favourites are better on Android thanks to things like widgets so I think Apple fans can't use that excuse any more. Especially as there are plenty of tablet focussed apps and Android I have always found to be good at scaling up phone apps onto tablets. Also text selection and editing I find better on the TF now.

Mostly though, the iPad still feels like a giant iPhone to me. Android feels like a familiar place whether you pick up a phone or tab, yet somehow manages to retain something that's specific to each device.
Well from my expeiance all my Android apps work absolutely fine on my tablet, no problems at all? What problems have you had Robbo?

Most of them are phone apps. They are blown up for tablet use, not designed for tablets. The difference between the Android and iOS tablet app selection is absolutely huge.

There are very few tablet apps at the moment.

This is just 100% wrong:

And as for apps, well some of my favourites are better on Android thanks to things like widgets so I think Apple fans can't use that excuse any more. Especially as there are plenty of tablet focussed apps and Android I have always found to be good at scaling up phone apps onto tablets.

That's not the only thing wrong with what he said, but there's no point picking apart his post. :p
You're more than welcome to have an opinion Robbo if you want to comment on what I said, but try not to confuse your opinion with actual fact. :)

Apart from the 'fact' that there are loads of apps that are specifically for the Android tabs, it makes no difference on Android because 'IMO' the phone apps work so well on tabs it doesn't matter. This is not the case on iOS unfortunately. Just as robgum says, maybe you'd like to give us some examples where I am '100% wrong'?
There are a lot of apps for Android tablets, yes. However, there are very few in comparison to iPad apps and phone apps just aren't very good on a tablet. Absolutely no way.

Have you ever used an iPad, it doesn't sound like it. You seriously wouldn't be happy having to settle for using phone apps if you were used to high quality tablet apps.

There are some justifications for having an Android tablet, but apps aren't one of them.

Mostly though, the iPad still feels like a giant iPhone to me. Android feels like a familiar place whether you pick up a phone or tab, yet somehow manages to retain something that's specific to each device.

This is something that made me laugh.

You could reword that and apply the exact same thing to the iOS devices. It's a strange opinion.

Anyway, I don't want to drag this thread off topic for ages and I'll never concede what I believe to be a fact about apps being massively superior on the iPad at the moment (as well as the device being better overall, but that's my opinion).
Have you ever used an iPad, it doesn't sound like it.

If you were to read my post that you originally quoted properly you would know that I have an iPad2 so am able to form an opinion on the comparison with confidence. Do you own, or have used for some time, one of the current generation of Android tabs?

I'm still waiting for you to give us some examples of where this problem with Android apps on tablets is, that you seem so certain is absolute fact. Continually ignoring this, just shows you're calling your opinion fact. That's not uncommon amongst Apple lovers, so don't worry. :p

I was keen to get a Prime before they were released but, like robgum, I'm waiting to see what the higher res Prime is like. I'm waiting to see what the iPad4 (or whatever it'll be called) is like too before replacing the iPad2 as the iPad3 is a bit of a disappointing update 'IMO'. ;)

You could reword that and apply the exact same thing to the iOS devices. It's a strange opinion.

No, 'you' could because that would be your 'opinion'. :)

And it's not strange at all. We also have and SGSII and iPhone4 so I'm also quite happy that I can form this opinion with all the facts at hand.
If you were to read my post that you originally quoted properly you would know that I have an iPad2 so am able to form an opinion on the comparison with confidence. Do you own, or have used for some time, one of the current generation of Android tabs?

I'm still waiting for you to give us some examples of where this problem with Android apps on tablets is, that you seem so certain is absolute fact. Continually ignoring this, just shows you're calling your opinion fact. That's not uncommon amongst Apple lovers, so don't worry. :p

I was keen to get a Prime before they were released but, like robgum, I'm waiting to see what the higher res Prime is like. I'm waiting to see what the iPad4 (or whatever it'll be called) is like too before replacing the iPad2 as the iPad3 is a bit of a disappointing update 'IMO'. ;)

No, 'you' could because that would be your 'opinion'. :)

And it's not strange at all. We also have and SGSII and iPhone4 so I'm also quite happy that I can form this opinion with all the facts at hand.

Keeping to the topic at hand. You said this:

And as for apps, well some of my favourites are better on Android thanks to things like widgets so I think Apple fans can't use that excuse any more. Especially as there are plenty of tablet focussed apps and Android I have always found to be good at scaling up phone apps onto tablets. Also text selection and editing I find better on the TF now.

You are saying that phone apps are 'fine' for tablets. That they are essentially the same thing as tablet apps? That iOS apps aren't better as Android phone apps work on Android tablets. That is what you said.

I'm telling you that is absolute nonsense. If you genuinely believe that, that has to be one of the most blinkered, stupid opinions I've ever seen on here. I don't think you'll find another person who is happy to use phone apps on a tablet, every single independent media publication has massively criticised Android tablets for relying on phone apps - they aren't good enough.

That is all I'm disputing, I don't want to have an iOS vs Android debate. I like both and I use both, don't start throwing fanboy terms around, it immediately cripples your argument (not that you have one in this particular instance).
I don't think you'll find another person who is happy to use phone apps on a tablet

Well from my experiance all my Android apps work absolutely fine on my tablet

Oh dear, that wasn't difficult to find! :D

You are saying that phone apps are 'fine' for tablets. That they are essentially the same thing as tablet apps? That iOS apps aren't better as Android phone apps work on Android tablets. That is what you said.

No that's not what I said, and the fact that you put in quotes a word that I haven't used just goes to show that you're reading into what I've said what you want to read.

Forget it, you can't even give me the courtesy to reply to the question I've asked you, or acknowledge the experiences that I have, so I'm not interested in discussing this with you further. Thanks anyway. :)

don't start throwing fanboy terms around, it immediately cripples your argument

I was trying to lighten the mood of the discussion, seen as you're coming across as being stuck up your backside. Again you've proved me right by taking it all too seriously.

And it's not an argument. As I've told over and over, it's all just a matter of opinion. I don't care what journalists (or you for that matter) say, I will come to my own conclusions based on my own experiences. :)
No worries then, sorry to have upset you. :)

You should be aware that this is a discussion forum though, if you post an opinion, you can expect people to disagree with it! :eek:

Edit: Having re-read what I said, I may have worded some things a bit harshly, and for that I apologise. I still don't like phone apps on tablets though. :p
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Robbo - You seems to have a problem that there isn't many apps that are specifically designed with tablets in mind. You have to understand the after using an Android phone then using a Honeycomb/ICS tablet is that there's actually no need. Apps for Android are entirely interchangeable between phones and tablets and work great on both and take advantage of the device it's on.

The best example i can think of is the You Tube app. It's a simple but effective on a phone but the same app on a tablet looks different. (I love the 'Cinerama' style scroll after it brings up a search, very swish :D )
Robbo - You seems to have a problem that there isn't many apps that are specifically designed with tablets in mind. You have to understand the after using an Android phone then using a Honeycomb/ICS tablet is that there's actually no need. Apps for Android are entirely interchangeable between phones and tablets and work great on both and take advantage of the device it's on.

The best example i can think of is the You Tube app. It's a simple but effective on a phone but the same app on a tablet looks different. (I love the 'Cinerama' style scroll after it brings up a search, very swish :D )

I disagree entirely, quality tablet apps and upscaled phone apps are not even remotely the same thing. The Youtube app you've described isn't an upscaled app anyway by the sound of it.

Anyway, if you (and wolvers) are satisfied with that then good for you! :)
Well that's the thing through isn't it? All this moaning about apps is academic when you can just use Opera on the tablet! The over reliance of apps only came about because iPhone screens are tiny and need to have internet services formated for the smaller screen. Nowadays with high res screens even on phones apps are not a vital as they used to be. I don't have a Natwest app for my phone but i don't care because i can use the website fine.
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Well that's the thing through isn't it? All this moaning about apps is academic when you can just use Opera on the tablet! The over reliance of apps only came about because iPhone screens are tiny and need to have internet services formated for the smaller screen. Nowadays with high res screens even on phones apps are not a vital as they used to be. I don't have a Natwest app for my phone but i don't care because i can use the website fine.

For some things websites are fine, but for many things (especially on iOS) the app experience is far better.

If apps aren't important to you, then Android tablets are fine. That's my line of thinking and it's fairly accurate.

Apps are vitally important on tablets as far as I'm concerned, and currently Android can't even begin to compete with iOS.
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