Trigger that's a no go the AME4 is an extended atx whilst the 1200 only supports up to atx

But don't let that stop u if it has the extra space needed but not the stand off holes just drill and tap them

AzzA Hurican 2000 if you like the looks -- some people don't. It comes with 8 fans, 4 of them being 230mm, and a lot of nice features.

The price is presently $114.99 at Amazon with free shipping after $30 rebate. The extra 3 photos from consumers there at Amazon are from me.

I'm totally happy with the quality and how things work in it!!!

Hope you might find this useful and I don't upset that HAF-X band wagon to badly.


P.S. Just a different view here:

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Cheers for the photo Tim Enchanter, I will defiantly look into it :)

OTOH, something I just learned.

The HAF-X seems to support the rather non-standard XL-ATX form factor mobos and the AzzA Hurican 2000 only goes up to the E-ATX size.

Won't be a problem with the Asus MIVE, but if you would ever consider the new MSI Big Bang Marshal, that would be another thing as it appears to be XL-ATX.

Hope this helps.

OTOH, something I just learned.

The HAF-X seems to support the rather non-standard XL-ATX form factor mobos and the AzzA Hurican 2000 only goes up to the E-ATX size.

Won't be a problem with the Asus MIVE, but if you would ever consider the new MSI Big Bang Marshal, that would be another thing as it appears to be XL-ATX.

Hope this helps.


again Tim thanks for the info. Also I'm thinking to use my drill on the antec 1200 and make new standoff holes. I'm not sure where to drill, does anyone have some sort of e-atx layout of the standoffs?
Yes but who wants to be able to use onboard graphics and overclock I don't see why this was not just included in the h68 boards
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just noticed oc showing one revision 3 instock and costing nearly 400 quid so glad i ordered else where

even if i got to wait till the end of the month i saved over £103
The Maximus Extreme looks tasty, but I'm ever so slightly peturbed that OCUK are wanting over £100 more for it than other competitors, whom, all have no stock either.
The Maximus Extreme looks tasty, but I'm ever so slightly peturbed that OCUK are wanting over £100 more for it than other competitors, whom, all have no stock either.

yeath 103 more is a little steep cant see there being any stock till the end of the month got it on pre order and the monies saved will go to wards my vertex 3
We had one instock before any competitors and sold it (unsurprisngly) hours of it being live on the site.

I am not listening to another thread of people moaning about price.
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