Asus P5Q-E (P45) Motherboard Review

i havent seen any reviews of the final production boards yet, only samples that ppl received 3-6weeks ago. anyone got links to reviews of retail boards as a few brands are already in stock now.
Interested in this board as well.

Was gonna try and get a cheap as chips p35 or maybe x38, but I might try and go P45 instead as I doubt I'll really need crossfire etc.

So its either

P5Q3 Deluxe
P5Q Premium
P5Q Deluxe

as they have the 16 phase power

looks like the only real diff between the dlx and prem is quad ethernet.

Really tempted to order a dlx.

How would Xfire compare against a X48 with X16 X16. Anyone reviewed Xfire performance?
Cheers :).

Both boards supplied by the manufacturer but as far as I can tell they are both retail boards and both boards were tested with retail bios's. I couldn't say to much at the time due to a NDA so my hands were tied with that. The new 607 bios for the P5Qdlx is apparently getting even better OC results!
Would you recommend getting a P45 instead of a X38, as they are about the same price now.

Struggling to see the diff between the pro, deluxe and prem editions of the asus p5q boards except for the price :(

I'm slightly confused over Intel chipset status

Is P45 a replacement for P35, and X48 a replacement for X38 ?
Which is the current high-end chipset ?
Are P45 and X48 both "current" chipsets and being produced and sold alongside each other ?
As I understand it: (not that I've looked very hard I admit).

P45 replaces P35 - Mainstream chipset
X48 replaces X38 - High-end Chipset

The 4 series is the new stuff and is as of this moment the current stuff that has 'just' come in.

I think there is the P or G43 that replaces the P or G 33 chipset? (was a budget end chipset and really not sure on the chipset numbers here).

EDIT: Just to confuse things, the X38 is essentially the same as the X48 but the X48 is a higher grade (better manufactured or cherry picked) component chip. As far as I understand it, the X38 has exactly the same features as any of the X48 boards, but overclocks may be better with the X48 (slightly) and note the 'may'. Also, the X48 "officially" support the 1600mhz fsb, which I don't think the X38 did. Because the X48 chips are better they run cooler. The X38 is noted to run hotter, perhaps too hot really.

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