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At what point do you say GPU's are too expensive and refuse to buy?

I held my nose when I paid £649 for my 3080 FE thinking it was nuts to spend so much on a GPU.

The card I bought before that was a 980ti which was £417 so already quite a jump there even factoring inflation.

£950+ for a 5080? No chance.

The fact you can’t even buy a card from a retailer at RRP is just bonkers these days.
I guess it depends on the games you play and what you are prepared to accept in terms of fps and quality. For me I dont need RT or ultra settings [ my eyes are long beyond the point i'd even notice ]

Do you need glasses? i mean with my glasses off i wouldn't notice as i have fairly strong prescription. But with them on its night an day between max settings and medium/low.
I sit 8 feet away from a 65" 4K TV trust me you dont really notice. I only play BF1 and the odd game of Delta Force
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As long as people keep buying em Nvidia will keep selling em. There are a ton of non-AAA games out there that can run on most PC specs. Stick it to the man! I'm right behind you!

I'd like to move to 4K but that's £1000 for the monitor (which will gradually burn in) and £1000 for a GPU.. hmm :eek::) My money is already spoken for for the next couple of years so upgrades on hold until then.
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4090 FE was my limit but I felt sick paying that much for a GPU and sometimes not gaming for weeks or months due to life and health. Never again.

Now my limit is about £500-600 and if that means I don’t upgrade as frequently or have a high end card, so be it. There are no games these days good enough to justify these prices and the whole PC industry has become a joke really. The price of motherboards, graphics cards…all these companies are out to mug everyone. The fun has been drained out of it.
I bailed out last year and sold my desktop as I’m simply not prepared to pay these stupid prices anymore . Can easily afford to buy anything I wish but over £2k for a gps is a rip off no two ways about it .
I think with some of the apus due to come out,(strix halo) the mini pcs might become the best bang for buck and gives you ability to play AAA games at a reasonable level at reasonable power consumption.

I can see mini PCs taking over if the advancements continues at the same rate we've seen recently.
As long as people keep buying em Nvidia will keep selling em. There are a ton of non-AAA games out there that can run on most PC specs. Stick it to the man! I'm right behind you!

I'd like to move to 4K but that's £1000 for the monitor (which will gradually burn in) and £1000 for a GPU.. hmm :eek::) My money is already spoken for for the next couple of years so upgrades on hold until then.
£1000 for a gpu? not sure a 5060ti will run 4k well
I think it's a bit ridiculous at the moment.

AMD have GPUs that they won't sell, Nvidia will sell you GPUs at a stupid price but have almost no stock.

5080's going for more than 4090's with less performance and less vram - stupid. On principal I won't buy at the current prices.
I think it's a bit ridiculous at the moment.

AMD have GPUs that they won't sell, Nvidia will sell you GPUs at a stupid price but have almost no stock.

5080's going for more than 4090's with less performance and less vram - stupid. On principal I won't buy at the current prices.
I'm out too, everywhere selling above RRP and all pre-orders too.
Will just wait until they are in stock and can pick and choose.
Will save my money in the meantime.
5080's going for more than 4090's with less performance and less vram - stupid. On principal I won't buy at the current prices
This is one of the most bonkers things in I’ve seen since everything went nuts during crypto, couldn’t believe people were actually buying them, I mean where have these people been the past 2 years?
This is one of the most bonkers things in I’ve seen since everything went nuts during crypto, couldn’t believe people were actually buying them, I mean where have these people been the past 2 years?

I do wonder when this will start hurting their sales. Or are peoples appetites for this stuff just that high? I'm hoping it's just scalpers, it would suck but at least it isn't people in general.

I don't play games as much as I used to, but when I do it's generally graphically intense things (think Witcher 3 on release, or Cyberpunk). I want the smoothest, best experience I can get. But I can't justify these prices anymore. Well... I can, just I will extend my upgrades to bi or more likely tri generation releases.
I just think it is sad that people are continuing at the moment to fuel ridiculous pricing. To those who think well if you don't buy the top end they'll stop making them - Great then ignorance is bliss because I won't miss it or even consider something that doesn't exist. Better for everyone as prices get driven down. It will force programmers to optimise better for the hardware as well.

The whole PC market is going in a dangerous trend with pricing and eventually, if it has not already, a gaming PC will become a much more niche market. That's bad for everyone.

Hi Time we started voting with our wallets. Join the revolution and save our hobby. :D

I started (voting with my wallet) almost a decade ago when the 1000 series launched, I was the madman shouting of the doom to come, from the first signs back then.
It's one of those situations... I hate saying 'I told you guys so', but then it's clearly obvious. Show these companies that GPUs sell well at higher prices, what do we expect them to do?
Nowadays I barely play PC games at all, so it's easy not to be bothered about new GPUs.

Now I'm only recently been looking into it, since it has been a decade since I last bought a new GPU, I did my new 7800X3D build last year and run the old 970 in it and I want to use that old 970 to repurpose the old PC into a TruNAS server with Plex hardware encoding (the CPU is a Xeon with no integrated graphics). I've been lucky to come into a little money from my previous company's redundancy shares, but if a new GPU seems like a poor investment... I might as well save it or spend it on another holiday this year.
You just need to see that the majority on this forum and even tech tubers have begun to have a paradigm shift. I’m seeing a lot of usually biased (either way) posters simply look on in disbelief and have even begun calling out the obvious price and tiering scam.

Though I think it’s too late now, the damage is done.

I remember calling out the $1000 GTX Titan prices in 2013 as Nvidia pushing up their prices. Now we literally have those prices for our mid tier GPUs.
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I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy the shiney new things just about whenever I want, but that doesn't mean I will. It's not even a question of how much money it is in many ways. The 5080 is not good enough to justify it's price, and the 5090 is too power-hungry. Those are the main reasons why I'm not going to buy those cards. Nvidia's getting too big for it's boots is a smaller factor, but a factor none-the-less. If I end up getting one of these, it'll probably be the 5070TI, or I may just leave it a bit and see what else comes along over the next 6 months.
I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy the shiney new things just about whenever I want, but that doesn't mean I will. It's not even a question of how much money it is in many ways. The 5080 is not good enough to justify it's price, and the 5090 is too power-hungry. Those are the main reasons why I'm not going to buy those cards. Nvidia's getting too big for it's boots is a smaller factor, but a factor none-the-less. If I end up getting one of these, it'll probably be the 5070TI, or I may just leave it a bit and see what else comes along over the next 6 months.
Same but I wont buy at those prices, 1 as my gaming needs dont demand it and 2 on principal.
I think i paid roughly £450 for my GTX1080 when it was first released, and i have certainly got my moneys worth out of it, however now its becoming more apparent that it just doesnt cut it these days. so on the look out for a new card, but cant see me paying any more than £500
I'm not sure I entirely agree with HUB

The 5080 is practically the same die as the 4080 but with faster memory, 40W higher TDP and a small improvement in performance which almost exactly scales with the TDP increase.
There is no reason to expect this be to cheaper to make than the 4080 and at least they held the 4080 super price.
If the 5080 was higher spec, it would likely need to effectively be a 450W 4090 with a name change at 4090 prices and the market already rejected a £1200 80 series so good luck with a £1500 80 series that performs the same as a 4090.
I consider a 450W 80 series as too much, should be in the 200-300W range, even the current 360W is pushing it.

The only way to make the 5090 noticeable faster was a big increase die size, extra memory channels and memory, more power stages and an even more layers in a more complicated multi layer board to carry it all.
Without a new node or architectural change, Nvidias costs will have gone up significantly for this card and so did the price. No suprise there.

I have more issues with pre scalped prices for early supply, than the RRP for the 5080 and 5090 but I won't be buying either.
Seems people apparantly buying £1700 (12) and £1800 (6) 5080's with nicer coolers according to the store page so despite the angst in parts of this forum, prices won't be going down any time soon when you have this type of FOMO.
At best there may be a summer time price dip when early buyers flush through and stock moves slower like we had with the 4080.

I grabbed a 4080 for £1k when the first dipped below that 18m ago. With the DLSS 4 improvement and 1440p, I see many more years before I need a GPU upgrade.
Though these last few months I actualy spent more time playing OG Xbox games on an old plasma TV. Games from games before they were store fronts with activities.
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