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ATI/AMD's new Morphological Anti-aliasing

People that haven't got Ati cards, and never saw ingame play say it's blurry and looks crap.
People THAT actually tried it and played games says it looks fine...

What's the point in arguing ?

Plenty of people who've tried it ingame also said its blurry.
'While there is some blurriness of textures, it seems pretty subtle to me. The smoothing out of those awful jaggies more than makes up for it.'

I agree with the above, some posters have been a little overly critical, in my opinion, i think its a nice feature to have, particularly for those with mid range cards and monitors and I'm also sure it will be improved and developed.:cool:
'While there is some blurriness of textures, it seems pretty subtle to me. The smoothing out of those awful jaggies more than makes up for it.'

I agree with the above, some posters have been a little overly critical, in my opinion, i think its a nice feature to have, particularly for those with mid range cards and monitors and I'm also sure it will be improved and developed.:cool:

" Some bluerriness of textures " If you have switched through the BC2 screens with mlaa off and on and can't tell the complete loss of definition " everythings blurred " on the mlaa sceens, then A] your eyes are worse for wear or B] you have a poor quality cheap TN panel monitor.

But I agree it's great for budget cards but for anyone with highend gear " and a quality monitor " it's crazy to use this over AA.
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.... shut up....

some games cant use AA at all and this allows us to.

just cus u cant use it your crying.

thats not the point here...

the point is people are saying its the next coming of Jesus Christ when in fact its the 2nd coming of old tech from Nvidia that got chucked out because it degrades definition.

anybody who does not see the quite big difference in texture definition in these pictures needs glasses.

its one thing to say its looks better, when it doesn't. it looks better if you've not had AA on for you whole life and have suffered from far sightedness.

Like I've already said, its a nice option for low-mid tier cards that can't put AA on.
thats not the point here...

the point is people are saying its the next coming of Jesus Christ when in fact its the 2nd coming of old tech from Nvidia that got chucked out because it degrades definition.

anybody who does not see the quite big difference in texture definition in these pictures needs glasses.

its one thing to say its looks better, when it doesn't. it looks better if you've not had AA on for you whole life and have suffered from far sightedness.

Like I've already said, its a nice option for low-mid tier cards that can't put AA on.

thats not the point here...

the point is people are saying its the next coming of Jesus Christ when in fact its the 2nd coming of old tech from Nvidia that got chucked out because it degrades definition.

anybody who does not see the quite big difference in texture definition in these pictures needs glasses.

its one thing to say its looks better, when it doesn't. it looks better if you've not had AA on for you whole life and have suffered from far sightedness.

Like I've already said, its a nice option for low-mid tier cards that can't put AA on.

If people like it then its up to them ain't it really.

I really don't understand what all the fuss in about, yes its not sharp but how bad or how good someone thinks is really there own business as its affecting no one else & does not require loads of processing power for what it is unlike some other things.
" Some bluerriness of textures " If you have switched through the BC2 screens with mlaa off and on and can't tell the complete loss of definition " everythings blurred " on the mlaa sceens, then A] your eyes are worse for wear or B] you have a poor quality cheap TN panel monitor.

I can see the difference in those screenshots, especially when trees are in view. The effect is going to vary with the game- the earlier batman screenshots showed a much more subtle effect.

But I agree it's great for budget cards but for anyone with highend gear " and a quality monitor " it's crazy to use this over AA.

I was thinking it's great for my HTPC, which I can't use much AA with. It'll also be great on my desktop for games where AA isn't possible, and maybe worth testing in games that are still very demanding, like Crysis and metro 2033.

In other words, it's not a magic bullet that is suitable for every situation, and no-one is saying it is. But it's a useful extra tool to have, for those situations when it'll be useful.
B you have a poor quality cheap TN panel monitor.

But I agree it's great for budget cards but for anyone with highend gear " and a quality monitor " it's crazy to use this over AA.

For normal internet browsing and benchmarking/testing stuff I'm using a 60Hz Samsung TN panel - I didn't think it that bad a panel but the difference between MLAA on/off wasn't that immediatly noticeable. Swapping over to my (calibrated) gaming 120Hz the difference is much more apparent... and I suspect on a decent quality IPS panel i.e. something like the Dell U2410 its even worse.
Anyone finding the iTunes store is blurred very badly and in a cyclical fashion with MLAA turned on? The text of the iTunes menus etc look fine - it's just the album art and song titles in the store affected.
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