But they didn't call the 7970 a 7670, did they?
Naming and numbers aside the 7970 is the fastest Radeon released in the 28nm range so far. Just as the number aside the 5870 was the fastest 45nm card released in that range.
So nothing has "worked a treat" because I am capable of knowing what card is the fastest, regardless of any numbers.
As it stands I see it like this. I will ignore anything less than the 7770.
And, I saw the 5000 series like this, ignoring the lower end cards below the 5770.
So basically they have added an extra card in this time. Thus, as I said, I see the 7870 as the logical 5830, simply as it fits into that area of the range of cards. Then I said it was too expensive, which it is.
I also didn't say the 6850 and 6870 were the replacements for the 5850 and 5870 so I'm not sure where you came up with that. What I said was ignoring the numbers the 7870 takes the position in the range that the 5830 shared. Why you were comparing the 7870 (which is third down in the line) to the 6970 (which was top of the line) was what I was confused over. Well, not confused, it was just a bad analogy.