GTX 480 prices 26th Nov 2010, haha £189.99....Epic Fail
I bought my GTX 470 about a month before (in October) for £174.99 plus shipping. From memory it was about a month later that the 480 was on the same special. Maybe Gibbo can give the exact date, but I can absolutely promise you it was very close to the date I got my card because I was peeved that I could have had a 480 for only around a tenner more.
Might have been December? or at the very very latest January.
Looking at the launch date for the 570 here
It seems the 570 was launched in December. So, it's highly likely that it was the end of December and I was 30 days out.
As I say, I am sure Gibbo can confirm this, because the massive price drops on their super specials came right around the time of the launch of the 570 and 580.
Edit. Right, well I posted an aftermarket cooler on his Facebook page in March of 2011. So he must have had it before then. Have asked him to dig up the date he bought it.