The "chrome exhaust surrounds" are part of the diffuser that runs the width of the bumper.
Paint it all black I say!
The "chrome exhaust surrounds" are part of the diffuser that runs the width of the bumper.
The material is only a part of what makes a good interior, there are many other things that determine the quality, either subjectively or objectively. The design is the major part, how it's laid out, where the buttons are, how they feel to use, where the dials sit, how clear they are to read, how focused on the driver it is. Audi has historically lead the way on that front and their latest cars I think are a return to form, though for me the jury is out on the fully digital displays. Also the touch and feel is important, soft textures over hard, matt plastics over gloss plastics, high quality stitching to leather, mixtures of textures on doors and dashboards. But for me the most important is how well it all fits together, is is tight and rattle free and are the touchy feely bits nice to use. Little things like damping of hand grips, control surfaces, cupboards and storage all add to that and again have been something Audi has done, mostly, brilliantly and why the car I posted above is such a let down as it does most of this stuff badly.
To my point above the components that go to make up something are only part of the equation and are not the determining factor of what looks and works the best. If that were the case then all cars would feel the same and that is not the case, far from it.
No the seats options were like that well before the, so called, emissions scandal, my 2013 A3 sline only had part leather so you appear to be rewriting history..
Must have been a4 up.
Mine is 3.5 yrs old, had leather as standard on an SE Technik, not even an s-line. So some options have been limited.
I believe so, yes.
SE Technik (well mine anyway) came with the upgraded nav (MMI 3GPlus), full leather, heated seats, metallic paint, and bizzarely if you specced the TDIe engine (rather than the TDI) you got lowered sports suspension.
Wasn't the Technik a fleet special with options included as standard to capture the fleet market who often have no scope to add extra spec?
Ie like those 'Business Edition' BMWs a few years back.
Anyone here had suspension "collapse" while car parked up?
2014 A4 allroad, front NS went with a bang (literally) loud enough to be heard from indoors and set off alarm, that corner is now on the bump stop
I had it happen to an Alfa I had about 5 years ago. Though I was in it at the time but was sat stationary. Drop-link and coil had snapped. Looked like it just chose that precise moment to give up the ghost.Anyone here had suspension "collapse" while car parked up?
2014 A4 allroad, front NS went with a bang (literally) loud enough to be heard from indoors and set off alarm, that corner is now on the bump stop
Evening all, been looking at the below, anything I should be aware of before buying (From a used Audi garage I think).....
Audi A4 Saloon
2L deisel
S Line
Around the 17k mark money wise
Milage around the 25k to 30k (FSH)
I do about 16k a year to and from work (motorway miles)
Many thanks