1) Why should he yield to Alonso - he shouldnt have to
2)Team were obviously telling him to wait for Stewards to come back with a decision
3)If that corner had a wall instead of grass Massa would HAVE to give enough space, I dont see why the track surround should make any difference to how a driver reacts
Alonso was ahead of Massa, so by the pitstop Alonso would have got past JB too (given how far ahead JB was of Massa by this point)
Those rules are blatantly wrong and need revisiing in reference to team orders - complete crock of **** imo
It was the Ferrari / Massa pitstop that forced the drive through - nothing else
Why should he yield, he took a place unfairly by ramming through a corner on the outside that he had ZERO chance of turning into and staying on the track, if he hadn't gone in at that speed he'd also not have been ahead of Massa, completely down to his lack of ability to overtake that plagued him last season(overtaking people stopped in the pits doesn't count) and then he got frustrated(unusual for him) and tried something daft that would never, ever work.
The teams downfall, always waiting before making a decision, if Hamilton had come in a lap after Vettel he might have been right on him, hell even ahead, but he was probably losing 2 seconds a lap for 3 laps before he pitted. They are ALWAYS waiting and its ALWAYS costing them, the few times Button was pretty much forced into early changes(so slow on wets he went to drys before anyone else) he's had great outcomes. The teams constantly "reacting" rather than making decisions other react to is probably the teams biggest weakness, infact, yes, it is their biggest weakness, its cost Hamilton so many places over the past couple seasons. It was plainly obvious to EVERYONE ELSE he'd be asked to give up the place, so do it instantly as everyone thought he should and he's saved 20 seconds over a drive through.
If the corner had a wall, Button would have crashed, you can't just turn your car in more because someones on your outside, its an almost flat out corner, Massi was going FAR to fast to massively change the angle he turned into the corner, largely because Button forced him to the inside so he COULDN'T take the turn tighter than he did, there was no way for Button to do anything but what he did, theres a reason basically no one overtakes there, and if they do it ends up cutting the next corner, completely stupid move start to finish. The only difference would be Button wouldn't have risked it if there was a wall there, Massa couldn't have changed a thing, Button forced him into a wide corner by pushing him inside.
THe Ferrari's seem horrible in the corner but fast enough down the straight that they were very hard to pass, even with Kers/DRS.
I think Button should have pitted at the last minute before the Ferrari's had a chance to follow him in thereby giving the position back and also getting the pit stop done albeit a couple of laps early.
That or given the position back straight away
Thats exactly what I thought he should have done, needed a pitstop, at that point I can't quite remember if hewas losing time but, it wouldn't have hurt him badly. Make a decision team.
Whatever RBR are doing with their front wing... McLaren are clearly doing it as well this season
Hmm, they both look bad but most cars probably look bad on a bumpy straight, the Red Bull still looks like it bends a heck of a lot more at the end rather than all the way along like the Mclaren.
One of the key differences someone showed in a picture, maybe early in this thread, was on a corner though. Down the straights Red Bull's aren't "that" great, its through the corners, the picture showed Mclarens wing looking normal but ONE side of the Red Bull wing almost touching the ground as it went round a corner. Its the wing flexing under vastly lower speeds in corners where I think their advantage seems to be showing, Vettel just hammers through so many of those corners everyone else is taking almost full throttle, but he's completely maxed out and looking so completely safe doing so.
Maybe the difference is a system that reduces the flex down a very bumpy straight at max speed, but lets the wing flex more under lower loads in corners. Either way, as people have said for ages, it feels like its completely against the rules, just can't be caught by inadequate testing. Its against the spirit of the rules and the race, its cheating, they just aren't being caught. Marion Jones didn't get caught via blood tests when she was cheating in the Olympics, but years and years later someone dobbed her in. Cheating is cheating, even if it can't be proven.
The difficulty being without an admission of guilt(as in Jones's cases) its hard to be 100% certain.
AS for DRS, its rather against the spirit of racing, but then again, so what, DC said the reason for it is there was 1/6th the overtaking as 20 years ago in F1, that IS a huge problem. What we need is hugely tighter aero control, with no freaking loopholes, with better testing that puts people in FAR closer cars and pushes the winning of titles back to driver skill rather than who has "the" car that year.
Buttons a prime example, just incredibly average driver who fluked into the right car.
What if, Lotus next season interpreted one rule differently and fluked a massive advantage, would Kovo deserve the title because by fluke the car is just unmatchable, no he's not good enough.
As with all sport, individual skill should be the difference in winning races, not 98% down to the equipment. Webber showed basically how rubbish he is, yet he almost won the title last year, and this year he'll probably come second and have less bad races. BUt how do you stop innovation, how do you predict every crazy design engineers will come up with, impossible task really making a set of rules that drags all the cars closer together.