They don't pay £3-£5 if they're on a rental service where they just pay a flat monthly fee and just add it to their queue. I don't see why you're getting so worked up about it.
No, on the whole, I don't think GS affect the lifespan of a particular game for the majority of people, so I don't think it would be beneficial to anyone for Microsoft to get involved with their allocation.should microsoft be more stringent in the allocation of gamerpoints in their games to increase the lifespan so the customer is garunteed Xmonths of gameplay and replayability
Can you buy stuff with GP or is it just for bragging
That is so stupid, who cares how many points you have. You are meant to have fun playing the game
I was wondering how or why you played "Jumper" and "Capbellas Safari" or whatever the hell it was But I guess now I know!
I would personally hate crap like that to besmerch my gamercard lol