
Haly said:
Never in a million years would I want a female avatar.
I just don't see why gender should be relevant to anyone on an internet forum besides maybe hormonal teens.

I think it would be have to be something you could choose in the user cp because i think not every female would want a female avatar.
PrettyInPink said:
Very true didn't think about that :o (i'll blame it on me being poorly)

I shouldn't be up past 11pm :D

*Passes you a warm milk drink and a magazine* :)

Maybe there should be a poll to see how many people like/dislike the idea of male and female avatars?
cleanbluesky said:
Posts aren't points. No-one has any extra rank, even the Dons cant flaunt the rules and can be judged on their opinions alone rather than 'rank'...

<---------- Just a few...

thats just ASKING to be changed!
eXSBass said:
" Hi. I'm Clarissa from Portsmouth. I love dancing and flirting. Feeling dirty hun'? I sure am! ;)

Hi Clarissa
It's all well and good suggesting female avatars, but where would they fit into a ranking system? There aren't many lowlier female gangsters/super hero types out there to suit for instance, the Gangster avatar.

They all 'kick ass' and wield swords/guns/great legs/norks one and the same, so I don't see how it could work very well at all.

As for custom avatars, no. The boards would become a visual disaster.
Biohazard said:
one thing I would really like is something to tell people apart...

little geeky kids in their bedroom at their parental home acting big on the net // ADULTS

Im 17, live at home with my parents and post from my bedroom. Your point?

But yea if you ask you dont get... then again Yewen had people posting "Vote Yewen for UB" iirc - well maybe he didnt ask but a few people did, he deserves it for the contribution and advice he gives in the "Cases" subforum mind

It was Yewen for MOH, I asked for all the threads to be closed when they popped up to. If you must know if I was stripped of my title and avatar, and post count right now as long as I was welcome on the forums I would still put in just as much time and effort with the RTM's. If you think I got it because people posted a couple of threads in GD, which I rarely post in compared to CC and GH then you are completely wrong.

Different system as UB, but I did 90% of what I do as UB for over a year before I got the title, it is a mere formality to my posting and forum browsing style. I am on these boards to try and help people out, in the one area which I can just due to using so many of them, cases. I try to do that and help out the volunteer mod team, got offered the position and accepted it.

I take a lot of abuse of the forums from various people, take some subtle ones on the forum but I only post because I want to and feel I can contribute to the forums.

Avatars, keep them the same, take away post counts entirely and I would be even happier.

You are most certainly NOT your post count, some of the best advice you hear in the hardware sections is from people who post on rare occassions with inspired snippets of knowledge. Keep it as it is, has worked for years and thousands of people are not up in arms about it so who cares.

If your on a board for above 1000 posts you are not doing it for bragging rights, you do it because you enjoy the community.

I am totally for a member selected MOH though, that would completely get my backing.
ElvisFan said:
Not if they were limited to 140 x 100 pixels they wouldn't.

Yes they would, it works as it is, the forums are the easiest on the eye, if you can't get your message into a sig then you need to express yourself much more than I do.
Yewen said:
Im 17, live at home with my parents and post from my bedroom. Your point?

erm did you even bother read the following posts, maybe thats your age coming through :p :rolleyes: I said I didn't mean to tar all with that statement and did appologise, maybe your youthful eyes didn't see that though eh?
Biohazard said:
erm did you even bother read the following posts, maybe thats your age coming through :p :rolleyes: I said I didn't mean to tar all with that statement and did appologise, maybe your youthful eyes didn't see that though eh?
yes sorry that was a little tarring all with one brush, but you understand what I am getting at...

You can get 12 year olds talking a lot of sense, and 40 year olds purposefully breaking rules and trolling / flaming the boards.

I see it happen, I have been on the end of both. Age is irrelevant on the forums, quality of posting is what it is about and that is something everyone can do no matter what age.

I did read the whole thread believe it or not. Just re-read again and you did not retract the statement. :confused:
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