Originally posted by wild egg tamer
My head hurts now.......
hi guys, i'm new to the forum and am looking for some sound advice........
i'm looking to get a TFT monitor and have a few in mind but would really appreciate some guiding.......
first off, the sharp LL-171G-B ........ has a very good write up in custom pc magazine (issue 12/Sept 04) very highly rated for gaming, even though its a 20 ms monitor they notice no difference to a good 16ms monitor.
next is the LG flatron L1710B, listed top in PC Zones buyers guide.
Another one i'm looking at is the samsung 710T, although the review i read (found a link on here somewhere) was for the analogue version, i assume the DVI version will be just as good.
finally, the Hyundai ImageQuest Q17, reading through the forums, it seems a lot of you guys have this monitor.
I use my pc for gaming, i currently have a 19" CRT and its starting to die on me. I play FPS such as battlefield 1942, vietnam and the soon to be released half life 2 and would really like a TFT monitor to kinda catch up with the 21st century and maybe even reclaim some much needed desk space.
finally should i wait for the BenQ monitors with a response time of 8ms which i understand will be out sometime soon or will they probably exceed my budget of £350.00 maximum ?
thanks in advance......