Good thing they weren't refused service for being gay.
They disagreed on an element of homosexuality. You're clutching at straws.
Good thing they weren't refused service for being gay.
They disagreed on an element of homosexuality. You're clutching at straws.
It doesn't really matter, to try and force someone via litigation to not have different views to you is wrong, or to try and punish them via litigation for having views you don't like is also wrong.
Not quite the same though: "All gays should be stoned" is an incitement to violence and probably falls under some sort of hatred law, whereas a statement supporting gay marriage is an entirely legal opinion to promote.
If this was a person on the street, I would agree. But no, this is a chain of bakeries that are refusing service based on the fact they don't like what is written on the cake. Why do they offer a service if they're not willing to honour it for certain customers and/or their requests?
Probably people would still be intolerant of other people who live and think differently, but they would no longer be able to rationalise that their opinions are in fact a devine revelation of the absolute nature of morality and God's truth.
They would have no crutch to rest their opinion upon otherthan thier own intolerance!
The point I have been making all along is that the act of homosexuality was deemed illegal at one point, this aligned with biblical Christianity but the law changed in 1967 but the bible hasn't (and won’t)... there is a conflict there (some may call it cultural) but ultimately the law of the land has to play 2nd fiddle to the believer, BUT the bible teaches about how to deal with conflict and disagreement and it must always be in love... again just because someone doesn't agree with a lifestyle choice or any other choice doesn't mean there is hatred or intolerance involved.
It doesn't really matter, to try and force someone via litigation to not have different views to you is wrong, or to try and punish them via litigation for having views you don't like is also wrong.
A. Eddie Izzard isn't funny either, but he is a transvestite. The T in LGBT is transvestite.A. Eddie Izzard isn't gay.
B. They did not refuse services on the grounds of the customers being gay, they refused to create a particular item due to the requested content.
1 - It's discrimination, their religion is nonexistent tosh. I can believe in anything - it doesn't make their actions any better.1 - You have completely missed the point and your black people comparison is stupid.
2 - Can you provide a source to the 'quoted' Christianity passage? Pretty sure you have just completely made that up....
3 - Not everyone that is married (the rest of humanity??) is miserable. Once again....the baker’s didn’t refuse to serve them because they are gay......they just didn’t agree with the message/ image that they were being asked to put on the cake.....
Homosexuality is no longer illegal, not sure why you keep bringing it up.
The law is the law, it shouldn't play second fiddle to anything let alone a book that has been translated from language to language over thousands of years, imagine a game of chinese whispers and how the message gets twisted and distorted the more people who pass the message on.
They are free to disagree all they want it doesn't mean they can't still serve the people, they wont go to hell for writing "Queer" on a cake.
This is intolerance pure and simple, they are hiding behind religion to justify their intolerance towards gays and knowing that is against the law they are using the old religious freedom nonsense to try and not get sued.
A. Eddie Izzard isn't funny either, but he is a transvestite. The T in LGBT is transvestite.
I think his point was that it was illegal DUE to the bible, and that legality and illegality are not synonyms for right, wrong, moral or immoral.
It stands for transgender and as a supposed supporter of gay/LGBT rights I find the fact you don't know this hilarious.
So do you just hate religion and are using this as an excuse to bash it without actually caring about gay people or what? I would imagine if you cared you would know what the acronyms mean.
To be fair the bible isn't a brilliant place to work out if something is right, wrong, moral or immoral either. Telling you to be nice to slaves is still condoning slavery for example.
Why do straights have to bring their sexuality into everything?
Builder: *wolf-whistles*
Random image thread: Mainly pictures of scantily clad women.
Many threads in this forum: Tangential remarks about how hot a women is
If this was a person on the street, I would agree. But no, this is a chain of bakeries that are refusing service based on the fact they don't like what is written on the cake. Why do they offer a service if they're not willing to honour it for certain customers and/or their requests?