Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

Two things.

Why do gays have to bring their sexuality into *everything*?

"Hi, Mr Hairdresser, I'd like a haircut. Did I tell you I'm gay? Short back and sides, please. Thanks."
"Mr Employer, can I have a job at your company? You know I'm gay, right? Has your workforce had it's tolerance training? Will they all accept my gayness?"
"Mein Doktor, I'm having pains in my chest. Can you make sure the hospital is aware of my special needs, being gay?"
"Yes, this is gay dog. I'm like dog, but GAY."

*If* they didn't rub it in everyone's face, they could pretty much live however they wanted, and still be openly gay, just not some kind of conduit to the Plane of Gay, so that everyone is instantly struck by your gayness.

I'm sure it's the minority giving the majority a bad name, but there we are.

You know if you swap "gay" for almost any minority you're still spot on. My biggest fear when hireing people is if they're in a minority. If they don't get the job because they're genuinely ****e I can just smell a lawsuit :(
I thought the law was fairly clear in that you can't discriminate on the basis of gender, sexuality, religion or race if you run a business?

I don't think its clear that they have done that though.

Could I go into a Muslim bakers and ask for a cake with a picture of Jesus on it for my friend's kid's Christening service? Or would their own faith which prohibits drawing a likeness of a prophet not be quite a reasonable reason to refuse the request?

That's all these Christian Bakers are doing - they're refusing to produce a specific product that goes against their own beliefs - they're not refusing to serve customers in general on the basis of their sexuality.
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Two things.

Why do gays have to bring their sexuality into *everything*?

"Hi, Mr Hairdresser, I'd like a haircut. Did I tell you I'm gay? Short back and sides, please. Thanks."
"Mr Employer, can I have a job at your company? You know I'm gay, right? Has your workforce had it's tolerance training? Will they all accept my gayness?"
"Mein Doktor, I'm having pains in my chest. Can you make sure the hospital is aware of my special needs, being gay?"
"Yes, this is gay dog. I'm like dog, but GAY."

*If* they didn't rub it in everyone's face, they could pretty much live however they wanted, and still be openly gay, just not some kind of conduit to the Plane of Gay, so that everyone is instantly struck by your gayness.

I'm sure it's the minority giving the majority a bad name, but there we are.

I'm not sure that's fair;
Gay couple: "hello, one marriage please"
Registrar: "**** off, no gays allowed"

Who's shoving it in who's face?!
I don't think its clear that they have done that though.

I don't see the problem the baker has refused to bake a cake they feel is against their beliefs. They have not refused custom completely. It's no different forms Jewish baker refusing to bake a cake in the shape of a double s
It seems fairly clear. The "we are against political messages" line seems to be tagged on after the letter from the Equality Commission.

Do you think the Muslim baker scenario would also warrant an Equality commission letter then? Could a Muslim be forced to put a picture of a prophet (Jesus) on a cake if asked to by a Christian who'd like a Jesus cake?
Surely they can't bake a cake with Bert and Ernie because of trademark reasons anyway?

Is there any particular gay reason for wanting bert and Ernie :D

Edit: just googled. Bert and Ernie are rumoured to be gay. My childhood is smashed. :(
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Well I imagine one husband to the other? :D

Can you give another example? Are churches bound by the same laws?

No, they were given a specific exception to the law. This however wasn't enough to stop them campaigning against it even for civil ceremonies or those faiths that have no issue with homosexuality.
Surely they can't bake a cake with Bert and Ernie because of trademark reasons anyway?

true... but that isn't the main issue here (could have been a possible and rather easy defence if they hadn't already opened their mouths about being opposed to gay marriage)
Do you think the Muslim baker scenario would also warrant an Equality commission letter then? Could a Muslim be forced to put a picture of a prophet (Jesus) on a cake if asked to by a Christian who'd like a Jesus cake?

Give it a go and find out.
From the discussion with the manager, etc. it doesn't seem its something they took lightly or purely down to to (irrational) homophobia. No different really from them deciding to turn down producing another cake that had features they couldn't reconcile with their beliefs i.e. if someone wanted something that was blasphemous to their religion.
Do you think the Muslim baker scenario would also warrant an Equality commission letter then? Could a Muslim be forced to put a picture of a prophet (Jesus) on a cake if asked to by a Christian who'd like a Jesus cake?

Jesus is a prophet in Islam too.
Why don't you replace gay with black, and then see how you feel about being denied the right to have what you want on your cake, so instead of having bert and ernie on there you have, say, beyonce and jay-z (only black couple i can think of right now). If someone said you couldn't have the cake because it's black people, would you be upset? I certainly would be.

Fact is that neither sexuality, nor race, are a choice, and therefore discriminating based on either is disgusting.
Do you think the Muslim baker scenario would also warrant an Equality commission letter then? Could a Muslim be forced to put a picture of a prophet (Jesus) on a cake if asked to by a Christian who'd like a Jesus cake?

That would be fine as a muslim chooses their religion, as does a christian.
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