Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

I've read many things that you've written, and all they imply is hatred towards other human beings.
Like what?, if you are going to accuse me of hatred towards other human beings then you need solid evidence for that accusation.
The message of God is SUPPOSED to be one of love and tolerance, but you subvert it to a disgusting level.
God's word the Bible does promote peace and love toward all human beings. I subvert it to a disgusting level you say, that's a bit of a strong word to use, again can you support your accusations with solid evidence?.
I know what it is to believe in God; I did when I was a child, and I can tell you for certain that it was never supposed to be a message of hatred.
Did you use the Bible as your guidance if i may ask?
gay people should be treated with exactly the same rights and respect as everyone else on this earth.
They are shown love and respect and they do have their basic human rights like everyone else.
If God didn't like it, he shouldn't have made gay people, eh.
God didn't make them homosexual/gay. Human beings do not have toact on their impulse or desires, it is a flawed notion.

I am atheist but went to a catholic school. At no point did anyone condemn any of these. Love thy neighbour and all that.

God love you Kedge, no bugger else will. ;)
That's probably because some choose to soft pedal the truth from God's word the Bible.
The baker should be able to do what they please.

This whole gay thing is getting stupid.
Agreed, the gay cake row is ridiculous, almost appears like a cheap shot from queer space to have a go at those that do not support same sex marriage and to extort a few quid.

In the face of adversities i like to think that the Christian can reflect on prayer and meditation of God's word the Bible and take its wise council to make the right decision. Sometimes things don't work out as one would have liked and sometimes difficult or hard times are testing. I like to think that the Christian can keep on showing love to their fellow mankind, as God extends His love towards us the Christian should likewise show that love to everyone including queer space, remember, people can and do change, people do turn away from bad and turn to doing good things that please God.

Stand strong Christian.
Like what?, if you are going to accuse me of hatred towards other human beings then you need solid evidence for that accusation.
God's word the Bible does promote peace and love toward all human beings. I subvert it to a disgusting level you say, that's a bit of a strong word to use, again can you support your accusations with solid evidence?.
Did you use the Bible as your guidance if i may ask?

Yes the same as when a pro-gay activist stirs up trouble.

Genesis 19:4-5 clearly tells us of homosexual behaviour. Romans 1:25,26,27 - For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

I think this says it all. As did that other "quote" where you said homosexuals, adulterers, non-virgins, thieves etc.

My guidance was from people around me when I was a child. The message of the bible is not supposed to be treated as a word for word document on how to be; you're supposed to take metaphorical messages from it and learn from them, which I did. I am not a Christian, but in general I practice respect, love, tolerance (except for religious idiocy and morons), treat others how I wish to be treated etc. In all respects except for my beliefs, I am a good Christian.

In particular, I don't begrudge people their existence because everyone is born equal, and everyone is essentially the same, not matter their race, gender, or sexuality. I would never attempt to diminish anyone's rights to live as they want, unless it directly harmed others. This is, as I understood it as a child, a fundamental principle of Christianity.

They are shown love and respect and they do have their basic human rights like everyone else.
God didn't make them homosexual/gay. Human beings do not have toact on their impulse or desires, it is a flawed notion.

Yes they are shown love and respect, but not by you. Of course, if you believe in God, God made them homosexual. He made everything???

I hate this idea that religious people have that, although God created everything, if it doesn't fit within what makes them happy, it's a mistake that slipped in, or something the devil made, or something put on earth to "challenge us." What a load of rubbish.

Not acting on their desires and impulses, why? Because you don't like it? If heterosexuals didn't "act on their desires and impulses" then the human race would be rather diminished.
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They all say much the same thing.

Not quite.
Especially if you are going to quote actual scriptures at people, best to know which source you believe in, as there is variation.

If we're going with a general, they all say the same thing, the general message is the same, then the pathway of the new testament is very clear.

Love God, and your fellow man.
Look at your own failing before you judge others.

If we're looking at a more fire and brimstone style preaching, encompassing the general drivel of the old testament, then you better state your source.
That "quote" as you put it comes directly from God's word the Bible.

Yes, it's hateful and you continue to post it. I'm not sitting her quoting from Mein Kampf, or the nazi manifesto.

Castiel showed us that the other quote that I referred to was actually half made up by you!

Humans having to act on their desires or impulses is a flawed notion, celebacy is testament to this :D

Celibacy is not the natural position for people to be in. Should all gay people be celibate?
Yes they are shown love and respect, but not by you. Of course, if you believe in God, God made them homosexual. He made everything???

I hate this idea that religious people have that, although God created everything, if it doesn't fit within what makes them happy, it's a mistake that slipped in, or something the devil made, or something put on earth to "challenge us." What a load of rubbish.

Not acting on their desires and impulses, why? Because you don't like it? If heterosexuals didn't "act on their desires and impulses" then the human race would be rather diminished.

If a file on your hard drive becomes corrupted, do you blame yourself? Do you think "I made that file corrupt"...?

Creationists don't believe that every birth is an act of divine creation. The creation happened at the beginning, and allowed for the possibility of future corruption. Because everyone had free will, the possibility existed for things to go wrong.

That does not equate to God making people gay, I'm afraid.
If a file on your hard drive becomes corrupted, do you blame yourself? Do you think "I made that file corrupt"...?

Creationists don't believe that every birth is an act of divine creation. The creation happened at the beginning, and allowed for the possibility of future corruption. Because everyone had free will, the possibility existed for things to go wrong.

That does not equate to God making people gay, I'm afraid.

I understand what you're saying, but it depends on how you interpret the concept of God.
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