A great PM is one that gets everyone talking even after they left their job 22/3 years later. What a women.
1) I implied from my opening post my experiences in Stoke On Trent and used the WE word - why are you being such a dick about it? Go back and read the posts.
There is absolutely know way on Earth I would know what was happening outside of my area so don't pretend I claimed I did.
2) I have had the £60 clarified by two ex mining Apprentices.
All Apprenticeships (in Stoke On Trent) were basically 8am to 4:30pm jobs but the mining Apprentices were allowed to do 'normal' work for their overtime and weekends which other Apprentices weren't allowed to do so this is why they were 'millionaires' and the rest of us weren't.
This post says it all and was my opening post so try and talk your way out of that -
"Anti-miner", now I've heard it all.
How else could I describe someone repeatedly saying 'greedy miners'?, I don't think I`m being unreasonable and it wasn't meant as a jibe I can assure you, merely a description.
What if he genuinely believes miners were greedy?
I will ignore your abusive name calling for now.
It is my firm opinion your post can be construed as broadly and unnecessarily anti miner. It is not unreasonable to interpret your post as such, again, fair minded people would agree imho.
I`m glad you have now agreed that the £60 a week mining apprentice thing was inaccurate. To me it was obviously so. In addition you now use the bizarre 'millionaires' thing in conjunction with the apprentices, this does not tie in with your original statement where the 'millionaires' were the miners.
May I clarify that I bear you no ill will at all, I took exception to your post and I feel justified, no one will change this.
Can you please stop labeling people who dont agree with you as unreasonable and not 'fair minded'. Its very insulting. The only people who took his comments as being applicable to all miners was you and the other chap from scotland from what I can see. Most people saw immediately that he was talking very specifically about his local area and his own experiences. If you read it differently, thats fine but please dont say that everyone who read it otherwise is unreasonable.
Can you please stop labeling people who dont agree with you as unreasonable and not 'fair minded'. Its very insulting. The only people who took his comments as being applicable to all miners was you and the other chap from scotland from what I can see. Most people saw immediately that he was talking very specifically about his local area and his own experiences. If you read it differently, thats fine but please dont say that everyone who read it otherwise is unreasonable.
Its not insulting.
Yeah you have asked all who have read this?
It has now boiled to down to a really weak case about what he 'meant', this after I have put to bed numerous wild allegations. I say again, imho it is not unreasonable to infer he was derogatory to miners.
Im sorry but yes it is insulting. I read his comments and immediately saw he was talking about his own experiences in stoke. You have said I am unreasonable and not of fair mind simply because I read his comments in the way he has told us they were intended. It is insulting. Please stop it.
I dont take issue about it being derogatory to miners, I couldnt care less. To be honest, your posts have done far more damage to my image of miners than anything anyone else in here has said. If you disagree with people, fine but dont insult people simply because they read something in a different way to you.
Its not insulting.
Yeah you have asked all who have read this?
It has now boiled to down to a really weak case about what he 'meant', this after I have put to bed numerous wild allegations. I say again, imho it is not unreasonable to infer he was derogatory to miners.
Nah, it is. You are trying to belittle rather than accepting his experience is different to yours. You have an obvious chip on your shoulder about the miners and you are passing that off as debating a specific point but I don't think anyone is taken in by that.
If Dimple is anti miner you could be categorised as pro miner it might be said.
AGAIN, show me where I said you were unreasonable.
It was NOT clear in his post that he was talking exclusively about only miners from Stoke or whatever, on the contrary he came across as very strident and any reasonable person would NOT infer he was talking exclusively about a few select miners.
It is my firm opinion your post can be construed as broadly and unnecessarily anti miner. It is not unreasonable to interpret your post as such, again, fair minded people would agree imho.
I`m glad you have now agreed that the £60 a week mining apprentice thing was inaccurate. To me it was obviously so. In addition you now use the bizarre 'millionaires' thing in conjunction with the apprentices, this does not tie in with your original statement where the 'millionaires' were the miners.
Maybe someone can enlighten me on why the mines and steel mills were under control of the government to begin with?
Any good books on pre-world wars UK with respect to ownership of industry and economics, preferably not from a bias perspective?
Yes I could be described as pro miner in the context of this discussion, that's fine.
I am not trying to belittle his experience, I am challenging the facts, and like it or not I have been successful.
No? No what?
You WERE insulting. You do it many times in this thread. Instead of arguing the issues, you simply insult people who dont agree with your take on things. Unreasonable, not fair minded...'argue like a woman'? Seriously? How offensively sexist.
and here is the quote for you, from a few hours ago. Once again, anyone who thinks differently to you cannot be reasonable.