Batman Arkham City - Thread

I myself downloaded the new Nightwing and Robin bundles along with the Arkham City skins pack. First off, how does one get to play using the new skins? Cos the Batman Beyond one rocks my socks like crazy and I would love to play Batman as that, please :D

Also, how do I access the Robin and Nightwing bundles? I downloaded them via the GFWL Marketplace (first time I ever bought anything thru there in the 5yrs I have had a GFWL account :eek: )

While I am here, I must also add that I still use a 4870X2 so it uses DX9. I found it to be super smooth last night after GFWL did an update for Arkham City. Yes, like many of you, I lost my saved games, tho I am not too huffed about it cos I was not even 4% into the game at the point of updating and downloading content.

Anyway, hoping to get to grips with it more this weekend and all of next week as I am off work :D that and more DC Universe Online of course ;)
Nightwing is a fun character to play, and is easy to achieve some big combo's. Its just a shame its not available in the main story, as Nightwing is much better than catwoman.

Ah, awesome. Saw that the bundle packs went live on steam yesterday so might invest the 10 pounds...:o
Had a go on this last night with the patch and after being a bit chuggy for a few seconds just after it loads it seems to run fine.

I don't really see much difference between DX11 and DX9 on this game though and under DX9 I had Physix turned on even though I'm running an unlocked 6950. Not tried Physix on DX11 yet but I imagine it'll cripple my system.
I'm running a 580 SOC @ 950 and everything maxed out including AA the game runs buttery smooth.

Soon as you turn on DX11 though, chuggy as hell, frame drops, jumpy etc, and that with the patch, AA off, and physX off.

But yeah, like other lads have said, you can hardly tell the difference so to me, it doesn't really matter.

Downloaded the skins pack last night. OK, but IMO, would liked to have seen a Keatons Batman skin and a Dark Knight skin included. I guess the license fees were just too high.
Is there anyway to enable the DLC skins without completing the game first? Didnt realise this was necessary before buying them :(
Sorry fellas,but you can tell a difference from DX9 to DX11 look at the particles,lighting,shadows,now having said that,is it worth it for the performance hit i would say no it isn't,still a good game though.
I have had flickering, particularly when there are light sources around. However the game does now run smoothly for me in DX11 mode which is always a plus.
ths any good on a 6870


I have a 5770 which is old as and still play games like bf3, the withcer 2, crysis 2 at 1080p usually hugh details albeit lowerign to 30fps at poor times.

I have been told my 5770 will play this fine.

6870? cmon obviously it will play pretty well
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