Batman Arkham City - Thread

Sorry haven't explained that - the puzzles I really liked were the actual riddles:

You don't know Jack about Gotham. Tune in to find out.
You have to zoom in on the radio and scan the name on it.

Not the unusual perspective ones which were okay but not brilliant.

There are puzzles like that linked to certain side missions like rescue all 5 riddler hostages (you need to gather 100 collectibles to get each one so 400 in all for all 5 sub missions) gives you 5 different inside locations to visit you would otherwise never ever see & some obstacles to overcome to rescue the actual hostage at each location using your gadgets ;) (you may need to upgrade them all to complete some of these riddles though as they are impossible without certain upgrades).
Don't click this if you haven't completed the game yet. Basically I found an exploit on a boss that lets you do an infinite combo.

Found out that if you don't spam the attack button on a frozen Clayface you can do an infinite combo, not that it counts as a combo just something I noticed before as I have gotten used to timing my attacks for the 2x bonus.

I got bored by the time I got to here...
**** sake! Just lost my entire save from this for no sodding reason and I was 80% into the main story :|

My save games folder is empty -.-

Really annoyed now!

Happened to me too, although I was about 25 percent through the gam. I was NOT happy.

As for the patch, been using the beta version of the patch, but will try the official version now. Assuming steam hasn't downloaded it for me already :p
Hmm, I think this is just for steam users? My GFWL only updated GWFL and no batman patch yet.

Yeah it did only update GFWL, well that sucks lol. Makes no sense steam gets a patch they have not added to GFWL if you have a retail disc.
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Hmm, I think this is just for steam users? My GFWL only updated GWFL and no batman patch yet.

Yeah it did only update GFWL, well that sucks lol. Makes no sense steam gets a patch they have not added to GFWL if you have a retail disc.

I installed retail last night, Tried the dx11 stuff and it was jerky as hell. And to be honest even the main game aint as smooth as AA.

Still great game from what ive played so far though.
Needed a break from skyrim so decided to start arkham city at last. Great game, I felt a little overwhelmed at first, but now I'm used to it I'm loving it. Such a shame there are hardly any AR missions, I enjoyed them. Just got the tightrope skill so should be able to do some more riddler puzzles.

It was a little weird though after playing skyrim, which needs pretty much zero skill to the fairly simple combat of this. Kept getting the buttons mixed up and holding left trigger to block!
Losing my rag with this now. It refuses to save my game now when I try and make a new one. What the hell have they done to it :S
Losing my rag with this now. It refuses to save my game now when I try and make a new one. What the hell have they done to it :S

Just tried again and as soon as I go back into the game after playing for a while (just played for 30 mins) I have to start again.

Really can't be ****** with this now so its getting uninstalled. Seriously crap launch for a AAA title.
Hmm.. I played the game in dx9 mode. Finished it 2 days after launch, was brilliant. I'm glad I'm not having the saving issues. Have you guys signed onto GFWL before saving the game?
Hmm.. I played the game in dx9 mode. Finished it 2 days after launch, was brilliant. I'm glad I'm not having the saving issues. Have you guys signed onto GFWL before saving the game?

I've got the steam version, so GFWL doesn't actually work through it lol.
Update done Via steam... DX11 still fails

Yeah, before the patch I had about 45fps with dx11 that dipped to about 30fps. Not I have 30fps max and I dip to 8fps lol. Seems I am capped at 30fps, will not go any higher at all with dx11 now. Back in its box until next patch. DX9 I am around 60 all the time, well before the patch anyway, bet thats broke now as well.
I got the patch today as well for steam version and the game still runs perfectly smooth on rig in sig with AA set to 2x, motion blur off.
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