Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

I was going to get this on PC, but after E3, I'm now giving serious thought to getting a PS4.

So I might hold off and get it for console instead.
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I really hope I enjoy this.

So far I've heard that the batmobile, story (like previous games), and boss-fights (also like previous games) are all crap, but everything else is excellent, but the batmobile does take up a significant chunk of game-play so I am slightly worried :(

That said the things that the previous games did right look like they've been refined and are at their best, so here's hoping.
Story for previous games are crap, sorry but what... The story for all the previous games are ****ing amazing, especially the first 2 games, maybe these people just aren't batman fans. AFAIC, the batman games are easily some of, if not the best when it comes to story line and voice acting.

Bat mobile game play does look a bit boring though.

I hope this is better than the two previous games as they were rubbish imo! Put off preorderinf due to that.

Then chances are you are going to hate this too.
Well, i didn't see this coming! :eek:


:D :D :D
AMD issues...lmao surely they've plenty of time to iron the issues out given the delays already.

Oh and 45gb? wtf is that about? :confused:
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