Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Odd game.

The performance is fine. At 3440x1440 the game shows it is getting an average of 31-35fps, max 55fps. This is with everything maxed inc the nVidia gameworks options for physics, smoke etc. But it actually feels like 60fps.

I have a video here, play the video at 60fps, that's more or less how smooth it feels in game, even though Fraps shows 31fps. Its like Crysis kind of weird displayed vs actual performance - In a good way.

In-game AA is pants. I turn it on and it makes a small difference but jaggies still exist.

Not many graphical options to tweak, no FOV slider and no aspect ratio selector. At times I feel like characters look "fat", like they are being stretched. Other times they look fine?

Cutscene are displayed in 16:9 correctly on ultra-wide monitors though which is good.

No menu mouse lag.

No way to turn off motion blur.

Controlling the Batmobile through tight corners isn't easy. Or maybe I'm just too used to GTA V.

Pro Headphones option in the audio menu. yay! Finally a game that caters to high quality audio enthusiasts.


^1440P/2160P version at 60fps should be available once it's fully processed.

Screens: Screenshot thread.
As expected GTX970 is nowhere near enough GPU grunt for 4K the benchmark reports 17FPS max 1FPS min its near the min a lot of the time.

This game was obviously designed to shift a lot of Nvidia GPU's it does look magnificient for a UE3 game (apart from some dodgy low res textures) but I doubt Titan X SLI can max this @ 60FPS there does not appear to be a GPU capable of running this maxxed out @ 4K for now.

Back to 1920x1080 for me upscaled to the 4K monitor :(
Annnd game fails to load after nVidia logo!

Verifying integrity came up with over 4000 game files failed. 33GB is being re-downloaded by STEAM.

has worked straight off the bat for me. Had a weird no speech issue but realised Windows still thought I had a 5.1 headset when I've gone back to stereo. Fixed that and has been flawless since I started it. Uses over 4GB RAM with everything on at 2560x1080 with my 780 6GB. Not sure about FPS though, didn't have the counter running but seems smooth enough.

Code I received when I bought 980 ti gives me message "has already been redeamed", so I guess the one I sold last night will do the same.

Not a happy bunny!!! Wanted to set this downloading. Even if got so much work I will likely not get to touch it til weekend...
Could someone double check if your memory clock lowers itself? And how much system ram are you using when playing this, mine consumes almost the entire 8GB.

Just trying to work out if these issues are unique to my system or not. Cheers.
My 980 ti kind of likes it, everything on and sometimes it has a momentary dip. But mostly a solid 60fps at 1080p.

Game looks a little... Outdated, as well as the stupid 30fps lock? Like really? Is this a direct port or something?
And this is exactly why you shouldn't preorder games :p

Things will not change as long as people keep pre ordering

Don't waste your breath; it's only going to get worse, just like the state of ridiculous exclusivity deals and siphoning off half the content as DLC... £29.99 the season pass is for this game... £29.99... and the saddest thing is I bet tens of thousands of people bought it on top of the overpriced game itself months ago based on a few bullshots and doctored gameplay footage :(
After a quick look at some PC performance threads on various forums, looks like a 970 isn't cutting it, even at 30fps. Ouch.

PS4 version it is then.
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